
Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Be Here Now!"

"You can consume your now with
thoughts of “then” and “maybe,”
but that will keep you from the
inner peace you could experience."
-Wayne Dyer

Be Here Now! was a statement
on a placard at the personal
development course I took many
years ago.

At the beginning of the course
it was a pretty small sign, and
then it increased in size from one
session to another.

Our leaders were doing their
best to keep each one of the
participants in the present
moment instead of going back
in time or into the future.

Sometimes I wish I had that
sign in my face to remind me
that my life is always taking
place in the "now" moment.

Perhaps I wouldn't get so caught
up in the yesterdays or some
place in the future.

The above quote is a reminder
that the what ifs and maybes
truly rob me of the peace I desire.

How about you? Do you need
a reminder to Be Here Now?

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with
the Essence that is us. That
Essence is Peace. As we
connect we release yesterday
and tomorrow. We are Peace.
We are grateful. Amen.

May this moment bring you

Joy-filled blessings,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Let Go"

"What do you get when you let
go of:
- wanting to change people or
the world;
- wanting to control people or
the world;
- wanting to please people or
the world;
- wanting to make people do as
you wish; and
- wanting to convince people you
are right?
What's left are feelings of peace,
freedom, love, confidence, joy,
and abundance!" -Richard Levy

We come into the world with our
hands open, and then we learn
to hang onto ideas that cause us

The only one standing in the way
of us having peace of mind, love,
and freedom is us.

There is no one else to blame.

We can't change anyone else, but
our own self. Although when we
change, it does make an impact on
others, and may influence them to

Whether someone else changes or
isn't important.

What matters is that by letting go,
it brings us peace of mind, love,
freedom, and so much more.

Is there something you are willing
to let go of today?

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with the
Essence that permeates our very
being. There is no separation.
Guidance is ours as we seek to
let go of anything standing in the
way of our peace of mind. We are
grateful. Amen.

Sending Father's Day greetings to
all of the Fathers and all of those
who have been mentors along the

Peace and joy,

Sunday, June 10, 2012


"Thoughts Make You Wealthy.
Wealth and success start with
what you choose to think and talk
about most of the day."
Richard Levy

Did you know that in a 24 hour
period of time we each think about
60,000 thoughts?

In a minute with think 5 different

And, the sad thing, according to
the statistics, is 99% of our
thoughts are the same as they
were yesterday.

So, according to the quote above,
by thinking thoughts of wealth and
success, and talking about these
thoughts, we will bring wealth and
success into our lives.

What have you been thinking about
in your 60,000 thoughts?

If we are thinking about "this poor
economy", and talking about it most
of the day, guess what we are
bringing more of into our lives?

By becoming more aware of our
thoughts, and choosing to think
about things differently we will
change our lives.

"Even a one-degree shift in our
thinking can cause a massive
change over time. When we create
the conditions we need to shift our
thinking even one degree, we have
succeeded in seeding change in our
lives. That change, six months down
the road, takes us to a whole new
place." -Mary Morrissey

Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with Spirit
in us, as us, and we open ourselves
to Guidance. We center our thoughts
on our Oneness. We release thoughts
that do not serve us. We visualize
Abundance. We think abundance. We
are blessed. Amen.

Thoughts of Light, Love, and Joy are
on their way to you. I'm grateful for

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, June 03, 2012

"Victim or Victor?"

"When you complain you make
yourself a victim. Either leave the
situation, change the situation or
accept it. All else is madness."
-Mary Morrissey

Webster defines complain as to
claim or express pain, displeasure;
to find fault; declare annoyance.

If we choose, it is easy to find
things or people to complain about.

As Mary states in the above quote,
when we complain we make
ourselves a victim.

One of the things I personally
dislike is when I'm being identified
as a victim.

But, when I choose to complain,
I'm telling the world that this
situation or person has power over
me, and I'm a victim.

It is about choice.

"Today, let's shift every complaining
thought, word or deed and either
accept the situation, change the
situation or leave the situation and
bring ourselves in harmony with
what is." Mary Morrissey

We get to choose: victim or victor.

Let Us Pray:
Loving Spirit we consciously connect
with You. We are grateful for choice.
We are grateful for what is. And, so
it is, and, so we let it be. Amen.

Seeing you with gratitude, and so
grateful for your love and support.
