
Sunday, August 26, 2012

"True Happiness"

"Realize that true happiness lies within
you. Waste no time and effort searching
for peace and contentment and joy in the
world outside.

"Remember that there is no happiness in
having or in getting, but only in giving.
Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness
is a perfume you cannot pour on others
without getting a few drops on yourself."
 -Og Mandino

So often we think a different job, more
money, a new relationship, moving to a
different town, or something similar,
will bring us happiness.

We believe in the commercials that say
when we buy a certain product that we
will be happy.

The truth is that the things we acquire
from the outside, or the changes we make
from outside of us, only bring a temporary

As our quote states, "true happiness lies
within you," and, "there is no happiness
in having or getting, but only in giving."

Looking for ways we can make a difference
in other people's lives brings true
happiness to us.

Sharing a smile or a hug seem to be little
things, but they can make the day of
someone who is hurting.

When we give of ourselves then we feel the
true happiness, the joy, that springs
forth from within us. "it is a perfume you
cannot pour on others without getting a
few drops on yourself."

Today we have the opportunity to feel true
happiness. It is up to us.

Let Us Pray:
We go within. We feel the happiness, the
joy that is us.  Our desire is to share it
with others.  We look for the opportunities
as we go forth from this time of Silence.
We are grateful. Amen.

Sending you a smile and warm hug.


Sunday, August 12, 2012


"You can always change how you feel,
and you can always feel whatever you
like." -The Universe

Isn't it interesting that when things don't
seem to be going the way we want, we
want to blame someone else?

We want to blame our feelings on
someone else?

The challenge is that the person looking
back at us from the mirror is the one
responsible for how we feel about what
is going on.

As our quote states, "you can always
change how you feel, and you can
always feel whatever you like."

If we decide to feel like everyone is out
to get us, then we will soon have lots of
evidence to support us in feeling that

What we can decide to do, no matter
what the circumstances are, is to find
something to feel good or happy about.

When we look for the good in any
situation we will find it. That can change
how we choose to feel.

We are the creators of our day moment
by moment as we choose how we feel.

If we notice that we're feeling like a victim,
then we can change it to feeling like a

Let Us Pray:
We consciously go within and connect
with our Divine Essence. We become
aware of our feelings. We decide how we
want to feel, and how we want to be in
each moment. We are blessed. We are
grateful. Amen.

Wishing you a day of blessings as you
choose your feelings.

Love and Light,

Sunday, August 05, 2012

"Challenge for Today"

"Today, challenge yourself to let go of
thoughts, vision, and conversations
about what is lacking or wrong and who
should be different or changed.

"Today, challenge yourself to focus on
everything in your life for which you are
grateful. That could be friends, family,
animal companions, wealth, health, the
sunrise and sunset, and anything else
that adds value to your life."
-Richard Levy

So much of my day can be about the
critical voice of what I see as being
wrong in my world or wrong with other

It isn't helping me to be a catalyst for
a change of consciousness for our

If I continue with this critical voice, then
things are more likely to be the same
as usual.

I've decided to accept the challenge that
Richard Levy is setting before us in the
above quote.

Today I accept the challenge to release
the need for the critical voice, and to
release looking for what is lacking or
wrong in myself, others, or the world.

Today I accept the challenge to focus on
everything in my life that I have to be
grateful for and all that adds value to my

How about you? Are you willing to accept
this challenge?

Together we will make a difference, and be
that catalyst for change. It starts in me.
It starts in you.

Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with Loving Spirit
that is our very Essence. We release the
critical voice that points out what is wrong
or seems to be lacking. We focus our
attention on all that we have to be grateful
for. We are grateful. Amen.

One of the things I have to be grateful for is
your continued support of this ministry. I'm
grateful for you.

In gratitude and love,