
Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Love Your Enemies"

"Divine Love sees no distinction among
persons...When we let the Truth of Being
into our hearts and pull down all walls of
separation, we shall feel the flow of
infinite love that Jesus felt."
-Charles Fillmore

Jesus gave us the example of how we are to
treat people who are different than us. He
healed lepers, crippled people, women, demon
possessed, and people who were blind. He
was Jewish, but he also helped people who
were Samaritans and Romans.

Jesus' words were, "But I say to you, Love
your enemies and pray for those who persecute
you." Matthew 5:44

We follow in the example of Jesus when we
pull down the walls of separation, and show
love to people who are different from us,
instead of seeing them as our enemies.

May we each strive to see with the eyes of

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love and Wisdom we desire to see
others with eyes of Love. We are grateful
for Your mighty work in us guiding us, and
reminding us that we are all Your children.
Thank You, God. Amen.

We love hearing from you. Thank you for your
love and support. We are here to lovingly
listen and pray with you.


Friday, February 26, 2010


One definition of "Denials" is something
you are giving up.

But another way of describing Denials is
when we say "no" to things that are not the
Truth of us.

One of my favorite songs that we sing in
Unity churches is "I am free; I am
unlimited; there are no chains that bind

When we use Denials, they free us from
beliefs or thoughts that chain us. Such
thoughts are, "I'm going to get sick
because it is the flu season, and everyone
else is getting sick."

Our response is to gently say, "No, I deny
that thought to have any power over me."

It is up to us to examine our thoughts and
beliefs, and to see if they are true. If
not, then we say, "No."

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. Help us as we examine our
thoughts and beliefs, so we come from the
Truth of who we are. We are open to Your
guidance. Thank You. Amen.

It is wonderful to be on this journey with you.
My desire is to support you. I'm here to pray
with you, and I'm available for Spiritual


Sunday, February 21, 2010

"The Gift of Love"

1Corinthians 13:4-8 "Love is patient; love
is kind;... It bears all things, believes
all things, hopes all things,endures all
things. Love never ends."

According to the Bible this is what love is
all about. Love accepts the other person,
and doesn’t attempt to change them.

Love knows that the only person we can change
is our self.

I’ve noticed that when I’m having challenges
with other people it is usually because I’m
resisting how I see them, and wanting them to
change in some way.

The greatest gift we can give someone is our

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are grateful for Your
love that is our example of love. We open
ourselves to give the gift of love to people
in our lives. May that love spread and impact
our world. Thank You, God. Amen.

We love hearing from you. Thank you for your
love and support. We are here to lovingly
listen and pray for you.


"Ash Wednesday"

Ash Wednesday is the traditional
beginning of Lent. Lent begins 40 days
before Easter, excluding the Sundays.

The tradition relates to the 40 years the
Israelites spent in the wilderness before
they entered the Promised Land, or to the
40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of fasting in preparation
for the celebration of Easter. Often people
choose to fast from eating sugar or candy.
Some churches fast from eating meat on
Fridays during Lent.

Instead of choosing a food or some material
thing that we want to not partake of during
Lent, I suggest that we might choose to
fast from gossiping or complaining or
thoughts of lack.

I invite you to take some time to contemplate
this decision for yourself.

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, I sit quietly in
this time of silence. What would be the best
thing for me to release during this Lenten
season? My desire is to grow in my awareness
of You and to express You. Thank You. Amen.

It is wonderful to be on this journey with you.
My desire is to support you. I'm here to pray
with you, and I'm available for Spiritual


"God's Valentine"

"Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting
love." Jeremiah 31:33

Our Creator looks at us with love, and sees
only the perfection that we are. God doesn't
ask us to change, nor does God continually
point out to us our shortcomings.

As we spend time in the silence and connect
with God, then we are able to see the
qualities of God we want to mirror in our own
lives. Changes come because we see the need
to change, and not because we feel pressure
from outside sources.

"God is love." 1 John 4:8

When we spend time with Love, then it helps us
to feel that love and acceptance. We can then
be that love to every person in our lives. We
can let them know that they, too, are God's

Happy Valentine's Day to you, God's Valentine!

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with You, Loving
Presence. We feel Your love. We know we are
accepted just as we are. We desire to express
You in this world that everyone on our planet
may know Love. Thank You, God. Amen.

"Love is my decision!" My desire is to support
you. I'm here to pray with you, and I'm
available for Spiritual Counseling.


Sunday, February 07, 2010

"As Yourself"

February is the time we start thinking about
Valentine's Day and messages of love. Stores
have already started filling their shelves with
stuffed animals, flowers, and heart-shaped candy
for weeks ahead.

Mostly we are thinking about ways that we can
show love and appreciation to people in our

As we begin this month, I would like to suggest
that we each begin with showing ourselves love.

Jesus gives a second commandment after loving
God, to love our neighbor "as yourself."

Most of us are so busy giving love to others,
and we neglect the part about loving ourselves.

Because we are busy, we often don't check in to
see what we need. Perhaps now we can take a
little time to reflect on how we can show love
to ourselves. Maybe some quiet time with a good
book or a walk in nature or ...

We cannot truly give love to others if we are
neglecting ourselves.

How will you show love to yourself?

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. We are open to Your guidance
as we seek to love and nurture ourselves.
Thank You for showing us exactly what we can
do. We pray these things in the name and nature
of the living, Christ Presence that indwells us
all. Amen.

We love hearing from you. Thank you for your
love and support. We are here to lovingly
listen and pray for you.
