
Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Stepping into a New Beginning"

"I lay aside all anxiety, all striving,
and let the law of Divine Love operate
through me into my affairs. Joyfully I
anticipate greater abundance, more
success and a deeper peace. Joy wells
up within my mind and Life sings Its
song of ecstasy in my heart."
    Ernest Holmes

In a few days we will be celebrating
the beginning of a new year.

As a time of preparation for the start
of 2013, here are some steps to begin
the new year in a different way.

First: Releasing the past troubles and
strife.  "Lay aside all anxiety."

Second: Forgive yourself and others
for things that may have been said or
done differently than you may have

Third: Anticipate all the Good that
is yours, and be grateful ahead of
time for the fulfillment of your
heart's desires.

Fourth: Allow Divine Love to guide and
direct you as you take the steps that
are yours to do.

Fifth: Give from the abundance that is
being showered upon you.

Sixth: Sing from the joy that springs
up from within you.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, expressing as us we each
unite our thoughts as we acknowledg
your Power and Presence. We open to
Guidance. We listen. We release. We
do what is ours to do, and we rejoice.
We are grateful. And, so it is, and,
so we let it be. Amen.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful
beginning of this new year. May this
year be prosperous and blessed.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Learning from the Past"

"Let us learn from the past so that we
are lifted into the realms of the
Infinite where we 'live in the eternal
present of God's happy smile.'"
   Eugene Holden

In Dickens' "Christmas Carol" Scrooge
is visited by the ghost of Christmas
Past, who took him on a tour of where
he had been in the past. His past was
not one he wanted to be reminded of.

But, his past had helped to shape
Scrooge into who he was showing up to

Scrooge had not learned from the
things of the past, so he was getting
a lesson from a ghost.

We can, also, choose to bury our head
in the sand instead of taking a look
at where we have been.

I'm not saying that we need to stay
in the past or continue to look back
at the past.

If we continue to create the same
things over and over, getting the
same results, (and it is insane to
think we should be getting
different results if we are doing the
same things over and over).

This is a time to take a look at
where  we've been.

Then we can go forward making
different choices, so that what we
are creating today is what we want.

When we have dealt with the lessons
of the past, then we can truly live
in the present, and as our quote
states, "live in the present of God's
happy smile."

The present is a gift we can give to

Let Us Pray:
We go within and relax. We open to
whatever lesson it is we might learn
from the past. We breathe. We listen.
We release.  We are grateful and
willing. And, so it is, and, so we
let it be.  Amen.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry

Joy-filled blessings,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

"Fill Your Mind"

"Every desire you have - whether it's
spoken, written or expressed as a
thought - is translated into a request
for the Universe: "Please bring this
to me." Therefore, always fill your
mind with thoughts of love,
appreciation, gratefulness, wealth,
and success."    -Richard Levy

One of the first things I started to
hear about when I came to a Unity
church was "Thoughts held in mind
produce after their kind."

I didn't know this was a law, but I
soon came to see how true it is.

"Do not be deceived, God is not
mocked, for you reap whatever you
sow." Galatians 6:7

The truth is that whatever we are
sowing with our minds, the Universe
is going to bring us.

What do we want the Universe to
bring to us?

"...if there is any excellence and
if there is anything worthy of
praise, think about these things."
  Philippians 4:8

What are we filling our minds with
today? This is our request to the

May we each be filling our minds
with love, appreciation,
gratefulness, wealth, and success
for ourselves and for others.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we connect with Spirit
within us, expressing as us.  We
express Love. We are filled with
appreciation for all of our
blessings. We visualize wealth and
success for all of humankind.  We
are grateful.  Amen.

I'm grateful for this connection
with you. I feel so blessed.

Light and Love,

Sunday, December 09, 2012

"Change Wanted"

"Basically, change comes from
thinking thoughts you've never
thought before and showing up to
meet them down streets you've
never walked before."
    The Universe

You've probably heard the
definition of insanity is doing
the same things over and over
again, and expecting different

And, it applies to thinking about
the same things over and over
again, too.

We think 60,000 thoughts a day,
about 50 thoughts a minute, and
the sad thing is that 99% of them
are the same thoughts we had

If our thinking is in a rut, we
are going to continue to get the
same results, even though we are
wanting something else.

It is risky to become aware of
our thoughts, and then to decide
to change the way we think.

As our quote states, we'll be
"showing up to meet them down
streets we've never walked

Thinking new thoughts will take
us out of our comfort zone, and
head us into the land of new

We will leave our "but I can't"
behind, and all of our excuses.

"You ready for some firsts? Are
you?"   The Universe

Let Us Pray:
This is a sacred time as we go
within and connect with the
Allness that we are. We say "no"
to old ways of thinking, and we
say "yes" to Possibility. We are
excited. We are grateful. Amen.

This journey takes one aware
thought at a time. We have one
another for encouragement and
support as we seek a new way of
thinking and being.  I'm

Grace-filled blessings,