
Sunday, March 27, 2011

"The Grand Adventure"

"If you will begin each day as if it is a
grand adventure --not just something to
survive or work to get done, but instead as
a grand adventure --then you become a
candidate for insight and revelation. That
happens when we are focused on this day
being an adventure." Michael Beckwith

Do you ever get caught up in your to do
list, thinking about all the things you have
to accomplish?

It's easy to get so busy that we don't
even appreciate the day we have been

How about if we reframed each day as a
"grand adventure," and looked at it as a
day for Spirit to work through us, as us,
in a totally different way?

What if we were able to look with wonder
at each person we came into contact
with as someone who is there to teach
us or for us to serve?

The invitation from Michael Beckwith is
to not waste any day wishing that it was
something else.

This is truly an "E-Ticket" ride that we
do not have to pay to participate in. It
only takes our willingness.

Let's begin today and see where this
adventure is going to take us. We can
change the planet if we dare.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power, we
open ourselves up to participate fully in
this adventure called life. We are so
grateful for Your presence with us.
Thank You. Amen.

Get ready, get set, let's go. We can,
and we will make a difference.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Dream Big"

"It takes no more energy to dream a big
dream, than it does to think tiny ideas.
Think thoughts the size of the success
you would like to have. This subtle
element is fast and powerful."
-Mary Manin Morrissey

It is easy to read the above quote, and
all of a sudden come up with excuses of
why you can't dream bigger.

I listed some of those excuses a few
weeks ago from Wayne Dyer's book,
"Excuses Begone!"

How about, "Who am I to have something
like that happen to me?" Or, perhaps,
"I'm not smart enough?"

The list goes on and our wonderful
monkey mind would love to keep us
comfortable instead of us going for our
big dreams.

My advice, if you were asking for it,
would be to feed the monkey a peanut
butter covered banana, and tell it to
take a vacation.

One of the things I know is that when I'm
drawing my last breath, I want to be able
to say I went for my big dream. How
about you?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. You have blessed us
with Big Dreams, and You are right with
us as we set out to fulfill those dreams.
We are grateful. Amen.

I'm here to support you with my love and
prayers as you journey toward your big

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Heart, Wes!

Lots of love,

Sunday, March 13, 2011


"The most far-reaching and profound kind
of hunger is a longing for God. No thing
can satisfy this hunger. There is no
substitute for experiencing God, for our
hunger for God finds its roots in God's
hunger for us." Jim Rosemergy

So much of our seeking for outer
fulfillment has to do with wanting

I believe this seeking has to do with
what Jim Rosemergy is talking about
in the above quotation.

We may not realize it, but within us is
a hunger for God. New clothes, a
different body, new cars, new jobs,
or any other experience in the outer
will not fulfill our hunger.

Our hunger for God is met when we
spend time in the Silence with Spirit
within us. In the Silence we are able to
release distractions, and to hear the
Sweet voice of God that desires a
growing relationship with us.

Mediatation in the Silence is a time of
listening and stillness. Take the time
in the Silence. You'll be glad you did.

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within
and connect with You. We are
grateful for this time of stillness where
we feel Your Presence, and we hear
Your voice. Thank You. Amen.

Thank you for your love and support.


Sunday, March 06, 2011

"Begin Now"

"Begin now we only have this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand, and
melting like a snowflake." Paula Best

What is it that is keeping you from doing
what you want to do or being what you
want to be?

In Wayne Dyer's book "Excuse Begone!"
he lists all of the excuses we use to
keep us from beginning:
"1. It will be difficult
2. Its going to be risky
3. It will take a long time
4. There will be family drama
5. I don't deserve it
6. Its not my nature
7. I can't afford it
8. No one will help me.
9. It has never happened before.
10. I'm not strong enough
11. I'm not smart enough
12. I'm too old (young)
13. The rules won't let me
14. It's too big
15. I don't have the energy
16. Its my personal family history
17. I'm too busy
18. I'm too scared"

Do you see anything familiar in the
above list?

Are you going to let your old habits of
thinking (excuses) keep you from doing
or being all you can do or be?

I'm becoming more and more aware of
what has been holding me back, and I
don't want to continue using the old
way of thinking.

I have goals and dreams that I want to
attain, and I'm sure I'm not alone in

My invitation is for each one of us to
put aside our excuses and reach for our
dreams, "we only have this moment."

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within
and connect with You. You are the
Source of our dreams and desires. You
desire the highest and best for us. We
are grateful that You are with us on
this journey giving us the courage to go
for our dreams. Thank You. Amen.

I'm grateful to be able to support you
with my love and prayers as we travel

Abundant blessings,