
Sunday, November 28, 2010


"Christmas is coming, the geese are getting
fat..." Christmas Carol

It doesn't seem like Christmas could be less
than a month away. This Sunday is the first
Sunday of Advent. Advent is the preparation
time for Christmas.

Advent isn't about shopping or decorating or
parties. Advent is our time of spiritual
preparation as we once again take time for
the realization of the birth of the Christ in
each one of us.

Taking time to breathe and to go into the
Silence is a part of this preparation. We go
away for a little while to commune with
Spirit that is within us.

This spiritual preparation helps us to be able
to enjoy the Christmas celebrations going on
all around us, because of the peace that
comes from within us.

May we each set the intention to prepare
ourselves during these days of looking
forward to the holidays, so that we might
be hope, peace, love, and joy.

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
spend time with You. Our desire is to
truly know Your Presence during this
preparation time for Christmas, and that
we might be hope, peace, love, and joy in
expression. Thank You, God. Amen.

Thank you for your love and support. We
are so grateful, and we love hearing from

Abundant blessings,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Let Us Give Thanks"

"Thankfulness. Admiration. Understanding.
Gratitude. These are all aspects of a powerful
human emotion we call appreciation. Science
shows us when we feel appreciation all systems
in the body, including the brain, work in greater
harmony. A sincere feeling of appreciation has
the power to change how we see our lives and
the world around us." Kim Allen

An amazing thing happens as we make the
choice to show gratitude, thankfulness, or
appreciation, instead of grumbling about our
circumstances. It helps us to open ourselves
up to seeing things differently, and to be

When we come from appreciation we feel
lighter and more able to cope with whatever
situations we are facing.

What I have noticed is that the more
thankful I am, the more I have to be thankful
for. Keeping a gratitude list or journal helps
to make me more aware of all I have and for
all of the good that is happening in my life.

"Gratitude is Divine Love in expression. When
you are truly connected with the Source, it is
natural to be thankful." Rev. John Adams

My prayer is that each one of us would keep
our eyes and hearts open to the awareness
of all that we have to be grateful for, and to
express it moment by moment, day by day.

Let Us Pray:
Thank You, thank You, thank You, God. You
continue to bless each one of us in so many
ways. We are truly grateful. Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving. I appreciate you. I'm
grateful for your comments and support.


Sunday, November 07, 2010

"Trust in the Lord"

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart."
Proverbs 3:5

So many times over the last six months
people have been giving me advice about
how to go about getting the right and perfect

They shake their heads when I tell them my
steps are about listening to my inner
guidance and trusting.

Does that mean I didn't update my resume'
or put in job applications? Not at all. What
it did mean was spending time in prayer
and meditation, setting my intention for what
I did want. And then going forth with my
resume' and applications.

I was told that I needed to get into peoples'
faces and let them see I was serious.

What I know within me is that Spirit desires
the highest and best for me, and all I needed
to do was to follow that guidance.

There were times when I questioned myself
when it seemed like the position I wanted was
not showing up. But, I always went back to
"trust in the Lord."

Dear friend, we won't do it perfectly while we
have skin on, but we can do the best we can
and keep on trusting Spirit within us.

This last Friday I started in a new place of
employment at a hospice here in Prescott.
It will be doing the work I have loved doing in
the past. I am so grateful.

I encourage you to keep on keeping on as
you work toward your heart's desires, and to
"trust in the Lord."

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are so grateful that we
can fully trust in You. We do know that You
desire the highest and best for each one of
us. We love You. We trust You. Thank You
for Your mighty work in and through us.

We are here to support you as you travel this
