
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Our Countenance"

"Moses did not know that the skin of his
face shone because he had been talking
with God." Exodus 34:29

I remember many years ago when I had
first started meditating. Wes and I
went to a party. I was feeling self
conscious because I had put on some
weight, and these people were very
oriented to that kind of thing. The
hostess of the party came up to me
and said, "Sandy, you're really looking
good. You've done something to

My countenance was reflecting the time
I was spending in meditation.

It is easy to see from the outer
appearance when someone is at peace
with their world, and not just from what
we see on the outer. Peace seems to
radiate from being in their presence.

When we spend time in meditation
there are side affects: peace, love, joy,
compassion, and much more.

I encourage you to find a time daily when
you can meditate. That time of listening
makes such a difference to how we can
be as we encounter life.

Let Us Go Within:
I radiate the countenance of Christ
I radiate the countenance of Christ
I radiate the countenance of Christ
I radiate as the Christ
I radiate as the Christ
I radiate as the Christ
I radiate as Love
I radiate as Love
I radiate as Love
For only Pure Love dwells here now. Amen.

I know you are radiating as the Christ in our
world, and I am grateful for you.

Light and love,

Sunday, October 03, 2010

"Our Feet"

"Bless your feet with the single word
'Peace.' Bless the paths your feet
follow with the thought of peace."
Clara Palmer

How many times do we really stop to
think about our feet? Not much, unless
we've been up on them all day, and they
are aching.

When we put our thoughts on our feet
we come away with amazement. They
carry our full weight, without complaint
(for the most part), and they take us
everywhere we go.

Moses was standing near the burning
bush, and he was given the message to
take off his shoes because where he was
standing was holy ground.

Perhaps everywhere our feet are taking
us is holy ground. Holy ground is when
we're going to the store or work, as well
as when we are going to church. Holy
ground is taking a walk in the forest or
down a busy street.

Today may we each bless the path of
our feet with peace and realize we are
always on holy ground.

Let Us Go Within:
I walk with the feet of the Christ
I walk with the feet of the Christ
I walk with the feet of the Christ
I walk as the Christ
I walk as the Christ
I walk as the Christ
I walk as Love
I walk as Love
I walk as Love
For only Pure Love dwells here now. Amen.

Wherever your feet are taking you today may
you be blessed and be a blessing.

Together we journey,