
Sunday, January 27, 2013

"What Would Love do here?"

"You connect with love by asking
yourself this question: "What would
Love do here?"  As you ask that
question and listen for guidance,
surrender.  You will be lifted above
any challenge and into a space of
grace and deep connection with Love."
   Mary Manin Morrissey

It can be easy to have feelings of
overwhelm when things are going on
that we wish were not.

We can choose to stay in the place of
not being able to deal with these
circumstances, which paralyzes us.

Or, we can ask the question in our
quote, "What would Love do here?"

As we quiet our minds and take time
to go within, we ask, "What would
Love do here?"

Each one of us have Guidance right
where we are every moment.

We don't have to feel like we are
alone and have to take care of it
by ourselves.

The truth is that there is One
Power, One Presence in every cell
of our beings.

As we acknowledge this Power and
Presence, we are guided to the

Then we find Peace and Love, and
are removed from the anxiety and
fear that threatens to overwhelm

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within. We open
ourselves to the One Power, One
Presence. We release fear and
anxiety. We ask, "What would Love
do here?" We are grateful ahead
of time for answered prayer. Amen.

Love is always the answer to our

Grace-filled blessings,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Go to the House of the Lord"

"I was glad when they said to me,
'Let us go to the house of the Lord!'"
Psalm 122:1

This Bible verse is one of the first
verses I learned as a little child.

I've enjoyed going to church since I
went with my Grandparents at 3 years
of age.

I have to admit that since my husband
and I have been facilitating a study
group I look forward to going to
"church" on Sundays like I did as a

When we turn away from looking at
the verse literally we can see
something else that applies to our
daily lives.

The metaphysical meaning from this
verse is going within and worshiping
right where we are.

"The house of the Lord" is wherever
we are.

As it says in the "Prayer for
Protection" by James Dillet Freeman,
"wherever I am, God is."

Whatever is going on in our world,
we can take a moment to go within to
the house of the Lord, and we will
find peace.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within. We are in
the house of the Lord. There is no
separation. We feel at Peace. We
feel Love. We feel Joy. We are
grateful.  Amen.

We have much to celebrate, and we
are grateful. Thanks for being along
on the journey.

Love, Peace, and Joy,

Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Eternal Adventure"

"Today, realizing that there is
nothing in my past which can rise
against me, nothing in my future which
can menace the unfoldment of my
experience, life shall be an eternal
adventure, an unfolding experience of
greater and better experiences."
    -Ernest Holmes

If I choose to believe the above quote,
then it means whatever is in my past or
lies ahead of me in the future will
not keep me from my good.

It has been said that there is nothing
or no one against me. Not even me, if
I let go of fear and anxiety, and am
willing to step out into the unknown.

I choose to believe that the Universe
is a friendly place, and only wants
the highest and best for me.

As I hold these affirmations before
me then I can see my life as an
eternal adventure, and an unfolding
experience of greater and better

My desire is to set aside the
drudgery of sameness and dullness.

What do you suppose it will look
like as I decide to live full out
with expectations of greater and
better experiences?

What do you suppose your life will
be like when you make the decision
to live full out with expectations
of greater and better experiences?

What do you suppose our world will
be like when people choose to make
a decision to live full out with
expectations of greater and better

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence in every
cell of my being.  I connect with
Loving Essence and know I have
Guidance and Strength to step full
out to live and make a difference
on this planet. I'm grateful for
Wisdom and Zeal. I say "yes!" And,
so it is, and, so we let it be.

Ready? Get set. Listen. Decide.
Go for it.

With courage and grace,

Saturday, January 05, 2013

"Laughter, the Best Medicine"

“I love people who make me laugh. I
honestly think it's the thing I like
most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of
ills. It's probably the most important
thing in a person.” ― Audrey Hepburn

I love to laugh, and enjoy sharing
laughter with others.

Children laugh spontaneously all of the
time, and I wonder why adults seem to
lose their desire to laugh.

Perhaps we need to quit taking ourselves
so seriously?

According to the Mayo Clinic: "Laughter
enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air,
stimulates your heart, lungs and
muscles, and increases the endorphins
that are released by your brain.
A rollicking laugh fires up and then
cools down your stress response and
increases your heart rate and blood
pressure. The result? A good, relaxed

"Laughter can also stimulate
circulation and aid muscle relaxation,
both of which help reduce some of the
physical symptoms of stress."

Maybe we can take time today, and
every day to find something to make us
laugh, and then share it with others.

I like the idea of a news network
devoted to laughter so we can spread
this good medicine.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within and connect
with Creator as us.  We claim the
joy that springs from within us, and
allow laughter to flow. We are so
grateful for every time we are able
to spread the medicine of laughter.
And, so it is, and, so we let it be.

Sending you lots of laughter and
joy. Thinking of you puts a smile
on my face that radiates joy.
