
Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Here I am"

"I am the only one of me the universe
shall ever see. At being who I am, I
have no rival."
    -Katelyn Pauls

When I'm tempted to make comparisons
between myself and someone else, I
need to remind myself that I am a
unique creation of God.

There is no one in the universe
exactly like me.

All I can be is me to the best of my

I make a difference just because I

The lives I touch are different than
those of someone else.

My gifts and talents are uniquely
mine, even if they are similar to
those of someone else.

I see the world differently than
someone else and my tasks fit who I
am, and what I can bring.

This message sinks deeply into my
heart as I willingly go with courage
reminded that I am a unique creation
of God.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within. We say,
"Here I am. I remember who I am,
and how unique I am. I am open to
use my gifts and talents. I desire
to make a difference. I am  grateful."
And, so it is, and, so we let it be.

Together we celebrate our uniqueness.
Together we do make a difference.

Love and Light,

Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Question of Love"

"If we measure love received, we will
never feel love. Instead, we will
feel shortchanged. Not because we
really were, but because the act of
measuring is not an act of love.
When you feel unloved, it is not
because you are not receiving love;
it is because you are withholding
    Elisabeth Kubler Ross and
       David Kessler

So often people are "looking for
love in all of the wrong places."

They are waiting for that magic
moment when they "look across the
crowded room" and there is the
one, the answer to our dreams.

How sad that we look outside of
ourselves for completion, and
when we don't find it, then we
don't feel loved.

We are complete. We are whole.

We do not need to look outside
of ourselves for someone else to
complete us.

We are loved for Whose we are.

As we realize the Love that is
ours coming from within us, then
we realize our wholeness.

There is no question regarding
whether or not we are loved.

We give from the Love that we
are, and we see that Love
flowing back to us.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within and
connect with Love. Our heart
expands. We are at peace. We
open ourselves to give Love.
We are grateful.  Amen.

You are Loved. You are special
and I'm grateful for you.

Sending you Love,

Saturday, February 09, 2013

"Gratitude and Joy"

"It isn’t being joyful that makes us
feel grateful. It’s being grateful
that makes us feel joyful."
  - Mary Manin Morrissey

Some people believe that when they
feel joyful, then they will be

But, as our quote states, gratitude
comes first, and then the joy.

Sometimes we have to really look
for a reason to be grateful when
something happens.

Gratitude changes our perspective and
our attitude about our situation.

When our friend Teri Wilder was let
go from a job in radio she was able
to thank her boss/friend for it. Joy
came forth as she realized it was
opening up a whole new life for her.

We are grateful because of the songs
and music she has produced bringing
joy into our lives, and the lives of
many others.

This week Wes and I were filled with
gratitude as the Worldwide Unity
Ministries board approved our Study
Group paperwork.

Joy is overflowing as we, and our
lovely group of people, are now able
to call ourselves Abundant Living

Gratitude is important.

Try counting what you have to be
grateful for instead of sheep if
you have trouble sleeping.

Joy comes forth in the morning.

Let Us Pray:
We connect with the One Power, One
Presence in every cell of our
being. In every situation we are
grateful knowing we are never alone.
Guidance is ours. Love is ours. We
are blessed. We are grateful. Amen.

I am grateful for the encouragement
that comes from you. My heart fills
with joy.

With gratitude and joy,

Sunday, February 03, 2013

"Complaint Free"

"When you complain you make yourself a
victim. Either leave the situation,
change the situation or accept it. All
else is madness."
   - Mary Manin Morrissey

In studying the book "Excuses Begone!"
by Dr. Wayne Dyer, I learned that
complaining is using an excuse.

Complaining states that the reason I
didn't accomplish what I said I was
going to is because it was the fault
of someone else.

When I complain then I'm not taking
responsibility for my own actions. I
want to blame someone else.

Blaming someone else keeps us in the
past, instead of in this now moment
of where action needs to take place.

None of us want to think that we
are taking on a victim role, as
Mary Manin Morrissey states in our

But, isn't that just what we are
doing when we say it isn't our

What we need to do is "leave the
situation, change the situation,
or accept it."

The "Serenity Prayer": "God grant
me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change, to change
the things I can, and the wisdom
to know the difference."

We become free from complaints when
we are willing to look at the
situation, and to take action, even
when that means "accept it."

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within and
connect with One Power, One
Presence. We are grateful for the
awareness that helps us to see our
lives, and to take responsibility
to be and to do what is ours to
be and do. We are blessed. Amen.

I'm grateful for you and the love
and support I receive from you.

Grace-filled blessings,