
Saturday, July 30, 2011


“… to complain is always non-
acceptance of what is and it
invariable carries an unconscious
negative charge. Either leave the
situation, change the situation or
accept it. All else is madness."
--Ekhart Tolle

Do you find yourself complaining
about what is going on in your
life or about what people are or are
not doing? Or, maybe just
complaining within yourself?

As Tolle states in the quote above,
this carries a negative charge, and
this is what we are sending out into
the Universe.

Not only are we sending it out, but,
guess what, that's exactly what we
will be receiving back.

The Universe is all about abundance.
"What you sow, you shall reap."

So, we need to "either leave the
situation, change the situation, or
accept it. All else is madness."

We have choices in how we respond
to what is going on.

One thing we can do is stop, take
another look, and see if there is
something we can appreciate about
the situation or person.

Oftentimes this will change the situation
and then we are able to accept it. If not,
then it is probably time to leave the

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we go within and connect
with You. Our desire is to fully express
You. We are grateful to be able to see
every situation through Your eyes, and
to know what is ours to do. Thank You.

Together we are traveling this journey,
and I'm grateful for your support. Let me
know how I can support you.

Light, love, peace, and joy,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

"In the Moment"

"It's not the day you have to manage,
but the moment. It's not the dragon
you have to slay, but the fear. And it's
not the path you have to know, but the
destination." Mike Dooley

I don't know about you, but sometimes
I can look at the task before me, and
just feel overwhelmed by all that needs
to be done.

Belief in there being more than we can
do brings overwhelm and fear.

Our task is to stay in the moment, and
to do what is ours to do.

There are no fire-breathing dragons to
slay. What we have to deal with
moment by moment is our thoughts.

It is important to know what it is that
we want to accomplish. What is
our destination?

We won't be given a road map to get
there. (Darn!) What we have to be is
faithful in listening to our Guidance, and
then acting upon that Guidance.

"Up until now," my friend Charlene has
said, "I've done it this way, but now I
choose to do it another way."

Today I choose to go forward moment by
moment, releasing the thoughts that do
not serve me, and listening to my
Guidance. How about you?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
connect with You. Up until now, we have
allowed our to do list to paralyze us, and
keep us from our destination. Today, we
choose Your Guidance, and we will then
go forward in the moment to be and do
what is ours to be and do. We are grateful.

Together we move forward, moment by
moment. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Helping Hand"

"Nothing ensures success like ensuring
another's success. And there is someone
who is looking for your help and your
support today."
Neale Donald Walsch

(The following is from my loving husband's
newsletter (Wes). I read it and knew I
wanted to pass it along to you.)

None of us are in this life alone. We're
accompanied by a family of others,
some of whom travel with us and some
who just pass through our lives.

We make our lives so much more
difficult when we think we have to do
everything ourselves.

One of the ways we can make our
life so much easier is to look around
and see who we can help.

Somebody needs a helping hand or a
word of encouragement. Somebody
needs to know they are not alone.

You might be the one who has just
the idea that they need to move forward
on their path.

You'll find that as you seek to help
others, the Universe will respond with
help for you. It usually won't come from
the people you help - it doesn't work
that way. But it will come.

And you'll find as you help others that
your own problems will start to shrink
and your confidence will increase.

In the solutions of others, you may even
find the solution that you need.

As a bonus, you'll feel pretty good about
yourself, too. Helping others does that.

Try it. You'll like it. Many blessings,

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, as we go into
this day, as You, may we see others
with the eyes of the Christ, and be
open to serve. Amen

I'm speaking at the Inner Heart Center
85th Ave/Olive, Peoria, AZ, 10:00AM
July 24th. I would love to see you.

Sending you

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"The Journey"

"You are the journey in the journey,
journeying, and I am that. What a
journey I am taking each step that
you take. Your sojourn is My
pleasure and My passion. So, Beloved
One, wouldst thou not bless I that am
you by enjoying the journey?"
Essence Speaks--Diadra Price

It is easy to feel that you are alone on
the journey of life, making the
decisions, choices, and taking the
steps. But, it is not true.

The Presence of God as you is fully
with you every moment.

In the quote above the reminder is
that the journey you are taking, Spirit is
taking with you.

This can help you to remember to truly
bless your journey, no matter how it
may be showing up.

An opportunity to see through the eyes
of Spirit, and take pleasure in your

"Wherever you are God is. And, all is

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Presence, within us, as us,
we are grateful. You are fully Present
in every cell of our body. As we look
into the mirror, we see You shining back
at us. We are never alone. For this
truth we are grateful. Amen.

I will be speaking July 24th at the Inner
Heart Center, 85th Ave/Olive; Peoria,
AZ. I would love to see you.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, July 03, 2011

"True Freedom"

"So if the Son makes you free, you will
be free indeed." John 8:36

Listening to the Spirit of God within us,
and obeying its instructions brings true

That freedom releases us from the
prison of prejudice, and the chains of
non-forgiveness that bind us as surely
as if we were being held prisoner.

The Christ in us is there moment by
moment, day by day helping us to
live by the principles that were taught
so long ago by our Way-Shower, Jesus

Freedom comes as we offer listening
ears, Love, and openness to the people
around us. It brings healing to each
one of us that guns, and methods of
warfare never will.

Jesus never looked at anyone as his
enemy or someone to curse. Jesus
said, "Father, forgive them, for they know
not what they do."

The Christ in each one of us is calling us
to a higher way of being. We are being
called to Listen and Love. Then we will
truly know freedom.

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. We know You are
fully Present with us. You lead, guide,
and direct us. You set us free, and we are
grateful. Amen.

Sending you Light and Love on your

Grace-filled blessings,