
Friday, March 30, 2012

"Make Me Happy?"

"Let us be grateful to people who
make us happy, they are the
charming gardeners who make our
souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust

Even though I don't think anyone
can "make me happy," other than
myself, I am grateful for those
people in my life that bring hugs,
laughter, and their authentic selves.
They truly help my "soul to bloom."

When we are looking outside of
ourselves for something or someone
to make us happy then it is a sign
that we are not feeling complete.

We feel an emptiness that we want

No special someone, winning the
lottery, or acquiring the perfect home
or car is going to fill the gap. Not even
moving to a new location or the ideal
job will do it.

What it takes is loving the person
inside of our own skin, and accepting
who we are, and who we are not.

Perfection is highly over-rated, and
impossible to achieve.

The best us is unique and lovable, and
we are the only ones that are qualified
to be us.

It doesn't mean we have to be satisfied
with who we are now, and not work on
us. But, loving ourselves is a great
place to begin.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we connect with the Spirit
of God as us. We are grateful for who
we are. We are grateful for those who
help our souls to bloom. And, so it is,
and, so we let it be. Amen.

Your support means so much to me, and
you help my soul to bloom. I am grateful.

Light and Love,

Thursday, March 22, 2012


"God puts rainbows in the clouds so
that each of us - in the dreariest and
most dreaded moments - can see a
possibility of hope." ~Maya Angelou

According to the story of Noah the
rainbow represented a promise that
God would never again destroy the
earth by a flood.

In the storms of life it may seem like
there are only dark clouds, thunder,
and lightning.

Staying fixated on the storm will
only keep us stuck in the mud,
frightened to move forward.

But, we have a choice in every
circumstance. And that is to look
for the rainbow. The possibility of
hope. The promise of being all we
need to be in every circumstance.

My desire is to concentrate on the
rainbow--on the hope--the promise
from whatever the storm brings, so
that I might learn from it.

Wherever we place our focus it
will multiply. Why don't we multiply
the rainbows, and come out of the

Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with who
we are: Spirit in expression. We
are Courage. We are Hope. We are
grateful that it is so as we go forth
into our day. Amen

I'm grateful for you and your love and

Light, Love, Peace, Joy,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"Abundance Vs Sufficiency?"

"There is a crucial difference between
abundance--a fearful response to
scarcity--and sufficiency--which invites
the possibility of genuine satisfaction
and well-being. Sufficiency is that
moment when we have enough."
Wayne Muller

The above quote has given me an
opportunity to contemplate what I'm
looking for when I'm affirming

Is there a quality of fear not having
enough behind the prayer? In other
words, is there "lack thinking?"

It isn't that I don't appreciate having
abundance in my life, because I do.

Abundance, to me, is having
wonderful relationships and friends.
Abundance is having a safe, secure,
comfortable home. Abundance is
having plenty of money to pay my
bills, meet my needs, and be able
to give from that abundance.

When I don't think I have enough,
abundance thinking comes from fear,
and then I am always grasping for

Sufficiency is the feeling I get when
I truly realize the abundance that is
already mine, and my heart is filled
with gratitude.

What do you think?

Let Us Pray:
There is no separation, and we
acknowledge this as we take time
to go within. We are Abundance.
We are so blessed. We are grateful.

There truly is so much to be grateful
for on this journey of discovery.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Worry or Peace?"

"Do not worry about anything, but in
everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known unto God. And the peace
of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts
and minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6,7

Earlier in my life I was quite proud of
being a "worry wart." I worried about
everything and everyone. I thought
my former husband just didn't care as
deeply about people or things since
he didn't worry.

Then, I found the above Bible verse,
and it began to change my life.

I no longer felt like I needed to be the
chief worrier in order for things to
turn out alright.

Now, as I pray from a place of knowing
my Divine Identity, and knowing that
the person I'm praying for is Divine, I
don't have to worry.

I realize Divine Wisdom and
Wholeness is the birthright of every
individual. Each one of us has the
answer we need for every situation.

Because we don't have to worry, we
can know Peace in every situation.

Worry or Peace? We each get to

Let us Pray:
Knowing there is no separation, I
am centered and poised as the
Christ Mind, and nothing disturbs
the calm Peace of my soul. And,
so it is, and so we let it be. Amen.

I'm grateful for your love and
support. I'm here for you.

Grace-filled blessings,