
Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Sacred F*A*T

"All fat is the Lord's." Lev.3:16

We can look at the fat of our bodies
as being sacred, and it is, because
our bodies are sacred.

But, that isn't really what I want to
share with you.

In this writing F. A. T. is an ancronym,
and one that is vital for our relationship
with Spirit, and our relationships with
each other.


We live our lives proud of how well we
can multitask--write on the computer,
talk on the telephone, and watch TV
all at the same time.

Even when we go to a restaurant often
we see people sitting at a table with
other people and either talking on a cell
phone or texting.

No wonder when we sit down to meditate
it is hard to be still.

I'm advocating for F.A.T. as we meditate
so we can hear the sweet voice of Spirit
speaking to us.

I'm advocating for F.A.T. as we spend time
with our loved ones so that we can truly
hear them, and show the value that we have
for them.

When we use F.A.T. every apect of our
lives will be affected for the better, and in
doing this, it will affect our world.

Let Us Pray:
We connect with Living, Loving Presence
within every cell of our bodies Focusing
our Attention and our Time. We listen. We
are blessed. We are grateful. Amen.

I appreciate your faithfulness in supporting
me. I'm always glad to hear from you. We
truly are on this journey together.


Sunday, April 22, 2012


"When you make a mistake, don't look
back at it long. Take the reason of the
thing into your mind and then look
forward. Mistakes are lessons of
wisdom. The past cannot be changed.
The future is what is yet in your power."
-Hugh White

I don't know about you, but it seems to
me to be easier to spend time looking
at mistakes, rather than celebrating
what I've done well.

If we spend a lot of time looking at
what we've done wrong, it will paralyze
us from going forward.

Someone once said "mistakes are
miss takes."

When we see a miss take then it is
our opportunity to learn from it, and
then do whatever it is in a different

As our quote states "the past cannot
be changed," but what we think about it
or do about it can be changed.

Then our future truly is in our own power.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000
ways that won't work." Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison didn't give up when his
invention didn't work. He looked at the
miss takes and went forward.

Why don't we change our focus, learn
from our miss takes, and celebrate our

Let Us Pray:
Spirit within us, as us, we are grateful
that Guidance is flowing as us to do
the things that are ours to do. We are
blessed. Amen.

I'm grateful for you and your loving

Grace-filled blessings,

Saturday, April 07, 2012

"The End"

"Though no one can go back and
make a brand new start, anyone can
start from now and make a brand
new ending."
~Attributed to Carl Bard

In this life we can't go back to the
beginning and start our life over,
although they will probably produce
a movie with that theme.

The only thing we can do in the
middle of life's circumstances is to
realize that we have been creating
our life the way it is showing up.

Then instead of continuing to do
the same thing over and over, and
expect to get different results
(which is the definition of insanity),
we can choose differently.

As our quote states, "we can start
from now and make a brand new

In his book "Do the Work," Steven
Pressfield suggests when you
start writing a book that you need
to plan out the ending you want
first, then start working on the
beginning and then the middle.

What if we decided to begin at the
end of our life?

Write your eulogy or what you want
said on your tombstone.

Now, the next steps take us on the
journey to the end with an awareness
of what we want "the end" to look

Perhaps as we look at Easter today
we can view it as our start to the end.

Let Us Pray:
Spirit we acknowledge our oneness
with You. There is no separation. We
are on a journey expressing You every
step of the way. And, so it is, and,
so we let it be. Amen.

Happy Easter, dear friend. Thank you
for your love and support.

Light, Love, Peace, and Joy,