
Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Who, Me?"

"Who, Me?"
Moses had fled fro Egypt and was shepherding his
father-in-law's sheep when he saw the burning bush.
God told him that he was to lead the children of Israel
out of Egypt where they were slaves. His answer was,
"Who, Me?" Taking on Pharaoh, and a bunch of
Israelites who weren't sure they wanted to go, wasn't a
part of Moses' vision and mission for his life. But, he
was obedient, and the rest became Biblical history.

As we open ourselves to God in prayer, our plans do
not always stay the same. Spirit is able to give us a
bigger picture of what the highest and best is for our
lives. Sometimes our own vision and mission is
much smaller than what it really can be. As we
open up to Spirit we receive new ideas and a new
perspective. Then we act from a place of being
divinely guided, and we have peace.

Let us pray
Loving Presence, we relax and open ourselves to
You. We realize that You give us wisdom and
guidance for a new way to see the possibilities
that lie before us. We desire to be all that we
can be. We release limited perspectives, and we
say, "Yes, God. It's me. I'm ready and willing."
Thank you, God. Amen.

Hopper Happenings
It has been a year since I've put out a letter.
For some of you, this may be your first
experience of one of these newsletters, and
I would like to thank you for signing up. My
thanks, also, to those of you that have
received them in the past, and continue to
be an encouragement to me.

Like Moses, I have struggled during this last
year as I have been working for the Indian
Health Service on the Apache Reservation
at Cibecue. It was not a part of my plan when
I was ordained June 2006. I thought nursing
was a part of my past, and that I would be
going to work in a church. What I know is
that my work as a Clinical Nurse is a place
of ministry. I bring with me a consciousness
that is not often expressed in the clinic or
on the reservation. Wherever I am, my
vision is to be a catalyst to help change the
consciousness of our planet. "Here I am,
Lord, send me."

We recently moved into a different home
that we love. We have a sunroom that
looks out into the forest, and our back yard
just goes on forever. We feel so blessed.

Wes continues to teach his seminar,
"Science of Getting Rich," and has people
from all over the world that he is reaching.
He is a wonderful role model of someone
following his passion, and listening to
Spirit. (Yes, I'm a bit prejudiced, but I'm
not the only one who admires him.)

In May we said goodby to our blessed
Gabby who had been a part of our lives
for almost 11 years. We miss her
wonderful doggy energy.

My friend, Phyllis Trella wrote a
children's book "I Got the Giggles." It
is a fun book you will love sharing with
your children and grandchildren. Phyllis
has a special offer on her book of $15,
plus shipping and handling. I
recommend it highly, and know you
won't be disappointed. Contact Phyllis
at 928-532-7109, and let her know you
heard about the book from me.

Saturday, September 20th, I will be
facilitating a workshop at Unity of
Phoenix on "Unlocking the Secrets
of Prayer and Meditation." It will be
from 9:00-11:30AM. I would love to
see you there.

Let us hear from you.

Love & prayers,