
Saturday, January 31, 2009


Affirmations are truth statements that we speak in
the present tense. Affirmations help us to change
old tapes or beliefs we have been carrying in our
subconscious. These old tapes or beliefs can keep
us from realizing the good that is our inheritance as
children of God. As we repeat affirmations over and
over, we open new pathways to create a different
belief system, and to help us to consciously create
our lives the way we want.

An example of an affirmation that has been helpful
to me is "I am centered and poised in the Christ
Mind. Nothing (or no one) can disturb the calm
peace of my soul.

It is also can be helpful to change Bible verses to
the present tense, and repeat it as an affirmation.
"The words of my mouth, and the meditations of
my heart, are acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord..."

Affirmations work best when we decree them
from a place of power.

Let us pray
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are truly grateful that we
are able to create our lives through affirming the
good that we know is our inheritance. We give
thanks for Your mighty activity always at work
in our lives. Thank You, God. Amen.

Hopper Happenings
We are so grateful for this new year that we
have stepped into. We wish you the greatest
year ever.

I feel called to do a process at work to help
transform the clinic, and make it a better work
environment and place for people to come to
be served. I appreciate all of those people who
are choosing to pray with me about this.

Wes will be teaching some classes for the
fire department again, and he is looking
forward to it.

We love our place here in the White Mountains
of AZ. We have all kinds of wildlife
coming through the yard, and they give us
many moments of wonder and appreciation.

We enjoy hearing from you, and we are grateful
for your love and support.