"You Matter"
"If God is in the smallest of things, and
we are all made from the same basic
cosmic stuff, then our very existence
must be the fulfillment of a divine
intention--for everything that exists has
an intention or reason for being. You
matter because you are!"
-David Alexander
"You matter because you are!"
Allow those words to sink into the very
core of your being.
Your age, your sex, your color, your
sexual orientation, your weight or
height, your education, your country of
origin, your history--none of it matters.
It is only "stuff."
"You matter because you are!"
We are all God. God is in every part
of each one of us. God intended us
into being.
The other "stuff" is about comparisons,
and not being enough.
Look in the mirror and see God shining
back at you. Look into the eyes of the
person in front of you, and see God
shining back at you.
"You matter because you are!"
Let Us Pray:
Divine Spirit within, we consciously
connect with You. We are one with
You. We are Light, Love, Peace, and
Joy in expression. We affirm that we
matter because we are! In grateful
awareness, we say, "Amen."
I would like to thank each one of you
who have been recommending this
newsletter to your friends.
My privilege is to pray with and for you
as we journey together.
Light, Love, Peace, and Joy,
we are all made from the same basic
cosmic stuff, then our very existence
must be the fulfillment of a divine
intention--for everything that exists has
an intention or reason for being. You
matter because you are!"
-David Alexander
"You matter because you are!"
Allow those words to sink into the very
core of your being.
Your age, your sex, your color, your
sexual orientation, your weight or
height, your education, your country of
origin, your history--none of it matters.
It is only "stuff."
"You matter because you are!"
We are all God. God is in every part
of each one of us. God intended us
into being.
The other "stuff" is about comparisons,
and not being enough.
Look in the mirror and see God shining
back at you. Look into the eyes of the
person in front of you, and see God
shining back at you.
"You matter because you are!"
Let Us Pray:
Divine Spirit within, we consciously
connect with You. We are one with
You. We are Light, Love, Peace, and
Joy in expression. We affirm that we
matter because we are! In grateful
awareness, we say, "Amen."
I would like to thank each one of you
who have been recommending this
newsletter to your friends.
My privilege is to pray with and for you
as we journey together.
Light, Love, Peace, and Joy,