
Saturday, April 06, 2013

"Like a Ride"

"Life is like a ride. It's full of twists
and turns; it's colorful and bright;
and it's fun for awhile. But, people
forget it's just a ride. So, don't be
worried ever, because it's just a
ride, and you can make it better
anytime you want."  -Bill Hicks

The quote kind of reminds me of
a wild ride on a roller coaster at an
amusement park.

(It's hard for me to believe that I
used to love riding on them.)

It's possible to be so involved in
the twists and turns, and highs and
lows that you can forget it's just a

Our life is like a ride. The events
sometime seem like they pass
quickly, especially when you are
having fun.

Then when things happen that you
would rather not be experiencing,
they seem to drag on forever.

As one of my mentors used to say,
"this too has come to pass."

Whether it's labeled good or bad,
"it has come to pass."

Living in the present moment, and
accepting "what is" helps to release
situations, and say "this too has
come to pass.

Let Us Pray:
Going within we are grateful for
this gift of the present. We are not
alone. We celebrate, and affirm
"life is a ride, and it has come to
pass." And, so it is, and, so we let
it be. Amen.

I started back to work part time
this past week. It feels good. Thank
you for your prayers.

Enjoy the ride,