
Sunday, May 23, 2010


"I believe that all our
dreams [visions], our
good desires are just
as important to God
as the building of an
empire. An empire
could not be built by
one man with a big
dream [vision] without
the millions of
individuals who carry
out the millions of jobs
that would need to be
-Stella Terrill Mann

Sometimes we can
get caught up in the
idea that what we are
visioning for is small
in the grand scheme
of things.

Then we are doing
ourselves a disservice.
We are comparing
ourselves and our vision
with the vision of others.

Comparisons work
when we compare
where we are today
with where we were
a year ago or five
years ago.

When we were doing
our rafting trip earlier
in the month, the one
thing that was clear
is that every person
doing the paddling
was important in
order for the raft to
go where it was
supposed to go.

Each one of us have
visions for our life, and
each vision is
important to the whole.

What is your vision? I
invite you to spend
time appreciating it,
and appreciating who
you are today.

Let Us Pray:
We are grateful, Sweet
Spirit, for the vision You
have placed in our
hearts and minds. We
appreciate that we are
each beautiful
Masterpieces created
by You. Thank You,
God. Amen.

We would love to hear
from you about how you
are, and what your
vision is.

Light and love,

Sunday, May 16, 2010


On our rafting trip a
couple of weeks ago,
one of the instructions
given was "foot
entrapment." You
don't want to get your
foot or feet stuck in the
rocks or debride in
shallow water. The
guides tell you to stay
in the raft.

We can be paralyzed
by the rocks and debride
of life, and afraid to
continue on. We look
at the past and think it
was better.

Lot's wife looked back,
in the story in the Bible,
and turned to a pillar of
salt. She was frozen in
the past.

We can also be paralyzed
by the fear of what may
lie ahead on our journey.
It is easy to make up
stories of why it is better
to stay safe with what we

Our Guide is telling us to
stay in the raft of the
present so that we do not
get entangled in the past
or frozen in the "what might
be" of the future.

We have choice. Our
Guide is always with us
as we travel through the
unknown. It is up to us to,
though, as to whether we
proceed or freeze.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Spirit, we desire to
listen to Your guidance, and
to be fully present on our
journey. We release the
comfort of the past and the
fear of the future. We love
You and trust You. Thank
You, God. Amen.

Thanks for your love and
support as we continue on
this adventure.

Peace and joy,


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"I See You"

Recently my husband, Wes,
and I watched the movie

One of the lines from the film I
came away with is, "I see you."

What a wonderful thing it is
when we actually let go of our
own beliefs, preconceived
thoughts or ideas about
someone, and we "see them."

"I Behold the Christ in You"

I behold the Christ in you,
Here the life of God I see;
I can see a great peace too,
I can see you whole and free.

"I behold the Christ in you.
I can see this as you walk;
I see this in all you do,
I can see this as you talk.

"I behold God's love expressed,
I can see you filled with power;
I can see you ever blessed,
See Christ in you hour by hour.

"I behold the Christ in you,
I can see that perfect One;
Led by God in all you do,
I can see God's work is done."
--Frank B. Whitney

I see you, dear friend, and you
are the best.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we see with the
eyes of the Christ, and open our
eyes to truly see one another as
the beautiful creations of God
that we are. Thank You for your
mighty work in us. Amen.

I'm grateful for your presence as
we journey together.
