"By persistently challenging false,
limiting beliefs through denial, we get
over our personal, myopic view of life;
we claim, in truth, our expansive
Divine Identity that contributes to the
well-being of all."
-Linda Martella-Whitsett
Before we are born, while we are
still being carried in our birth mother's
womb, we begin to accept beliefs that
are not necessarily true.
These beliefs have been shared from
generation to generation, and they hold
us back from our highest good.
Limiting beliefs about our own potential
that keep us from remembering that
we are spiritual beings having a physical
Beliefs that keep us in unfair comparisons
and don't appreciate the unique, wonderful
creation we are.
As we become aware of these beliefs, we
can use the practice of denial. We deny
the appearance of these beliefs that limit
An example of denial from Linda's book is
"I deny the idea that I deserve to suffer for
unenlightened thoughts, words, or actions."
I invite you to read "How to Pray Without
Talking to God--moment by moment,
choice by choice" by Linda Martella-Whitsett.
Let Us Pray:
We acknowledge Spirit within every cell of
our bodies and in every place and part of
the Universe. We deny that we are less than
a beautiful creation of our Creator. We deny
the appearance of separation. We are One.
And, so it is, and, so we let it be. Amen.
Wishing you the highest and best as we
continue on this journey growing in
awareness of who we are, and what we are
meant to be.
limiting beliefs through denial, we get
over our personal, myopic view of life;
we claim, in truth, our expansive
Divine Identity that contributes to the
well-being of all."
-Linda Martella-Whitsett
Before we are born, while we are
still being carried in our birth mother's
womb, we begin to accept beliefs that
are not necessarily true.
These beliefs have been shared from
generation to generation, and they hold
us back from our highest good.
Limiting beliefs about our own potential
that keep us from remembering that
we are spiritual beings having a physical
Beliefs that keep us in unfair comparisons
and don't appreciate the unique, wonderful
creation we are.
As we become aware of these beliefs, we
can use the practice of denial. We deny
the appearance of these beliefs that limit
An example of denial from Linda's book is
"I deny the idea that I deserve to suffer for
unenlightened thoughts, words, or actions."
I invite you to read "How to Pray Without
Talking to God--moment by moment,
choice by choice" by Linda Martella-Whitsett.
Let Us Pray:
We acknowledge Spirit within every cell of
our bodies and in every place and part of
the Universe. We deny that we are less than
a beautiful creation of our Creator. We deny
the appearance of separation. We are One.
And, so it is, and, so we let it be. Amen.
Wishing you the highest and best as we
continue on this journey growing in
awareness of who we are, and what we are
meant to be.