"School of Life"
"We are all enrolled in this school of life.
Prayer is the process by which we bring
ourself into conscious contact with the
inner Instructor, the Teacher who will always
guide and help us... -Donald Curtis
As Donald Curtis states in the above quote,
we are all enrolled in the school of life. We
have a teacher--The Teacher who is always
present with us to help us.
So often we look outwardly for the answers
to our problems. We think if we have
enough money or the right relationship or
a different job or...
We are like people of old who were looking
outside of themselves for a Messiah to
make everything right.
The answer to all we need comes from the
Teacher within us.
It is our choice as to whether we listen to
our Teacher.
Our Instructor is always ready to guide and
direct us. All we have to do is go within to
connect with our Teacher.
Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within to connect
with You. We know You are always
present to teach us and guide us. We are
grateful that we do not have to go alone.
Thank You. Amen.
Prayer is truly our connection with our
Teacher, and we are always here to pray
with you, Dear Friend.
Prayer is the process by which we bring
ourself into conscious contact with the
inner Instructor, the Teacher who will always
guide and help us... -Donald Curtis
As Donald Curtis states in the above quote,
we are all enrolled in the school of life. We
have a teacher--The Teacher who is always
present with us to help us.
So often we look outwardly for the answers
to our problems. We think if we have
enough money or the right relationship or
a different job or...
We are like people of old who were looking
outside of themselves for a Messiah to
make everything right.
The answer to all we need comes from the
Teacher within us.
It is our choice as to whether we listen to
our Teacher.
Our Instructor is always ready to guide and
direct us. All we have to do is go within to
connect with our Teacher.
Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within to connect
with You. We know You are always
present to teach us and guide us. We are
grateful that we do not have to go alone.
Thank You. Amen.
Prayer is truly our connection with our
Teacher, and we are always here to pray
with you, Dear Friend.