acceptance of what is and it
invariable carries an unconscious
negative charge. Either leave the
situation, change the situation or
accept it. All else is madness."
--Ekhart Tolle
Do you find yourself complaining
about what is going on in your
life or about what people are or are
not doing? Or, maybe just
complaining within yourself?
As Tolle states in the quote above,
this carries a negative charge, and
this is what we are sending out into
the Universe.
Not only are we sending it out, but,
guess what, that's exactly what we
will be receiving back.
The Universe is all about abundance.
"What you sow, you shall reap."
So, we need to "either leave the
situation, change the situation, or
accept it. All else is madness."
We have choices in how we respond
to what is going on.
One thing we can do is stop, take
another look, and see if there is
something we can appreciate about
the situation or person.
Oftentimes this will change the situation
and then we are able to accept it. If not,
then it is probably time to leave the
Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we go within and connect
with You. Our desire is to fully express
You. We are grateful to be able to see
every situation through Your eyes, and
to know what is ours to do. Thank You.
Together we are traveling this journey,
and I'm grateful for your support. Let me
know how I can support you.
Light, love, peace, and joy,