
Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Magic Encounter"

"We can choose how we will respond
to any types of encounters in our lives.
We can give them power over us and
allow them to control our thoughts and
emotions; or we can look for the magic
and accept the blessings, even though
we might never understand what they
are." -Jack Armstrong

The things that happen in our lives are
just happenings. We are the ones
that put a label on them of good or bad.

A hot fudge sundae goes down so
sweet and smooth, and we think, "oh
so good!", and then we step on the
scale and we think, "not so good."

The ice cream didn't change. The
fudge didn't change. What changed in
the whole process was the way that
we chose to think about it.

What if we choose to change the way
we think about situations, and decide
to see the magic in the encounter?

If we take away our tendency to label
something good or bad and look for the
blessing, look for the magic, then we
won't give the event power over us.

It is up to each one of us today. How
will you choose?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we are
grateful for our constant connection
with You. You are the Light on our
path. You show us the path. You
guide us to seeing the magic in our
encounters, and the blessings along
the way. We are grateful Amen.

I'm speaking at Inner Heart Center on
Sunday, Sept. 4th. I would love to see

Wishing you magic on the journey,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

"Questioning and Curiosity"

"The important thing is not to stop
questioning. Curiosity has its own
reason for existing. One cannot help
but be in awe when he contemplates
the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the
marvelous structure of reality... Never
lose a holy curiosity."
Albert Einstein

Curiosity and questioning caused
Albert Einstein to be able to make
the discoveries he did. He didn't
allow the reasoning of the day to
dictate to him what life is all about.

I'm grateful for all of the people who
have gone before us with their
questions and curiosity, and their
willingness to step way beyond "but
this is the way we've always done

Jesus was an example of this as he
told people about "the Father". In his
time people only knew about an
angry, vengeful God.

Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr
wanted freedom, and were both
willing to gain that freedom by ways
of non-violence.

As we open ourselves to curiosity
and questions we are able to find new
ways of believing and acting than we
have in the past.

Today I challenge you to open up to
curiosity and to question at least one
thing in your life.

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we open
ourselves to You, and to this life You
have given us. We desire to make a
difference on our planet by not just
accepting the status quo. We are
grateful for Your guidance. Amen.

The same Power that resided in Jesus,
Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr, and
Einstein is in us. We, too, can make
a difference.

Light and Love,

Monday, August 15, 2011


Gratitude not only invokes the law
of increase of your greater good, but
it's a preventative of the downdraft of
moving into the ideas and feelings of
what's wrong and creating more of that.
Mary Manin Morrissey

As Mary states above the more we are
grateful, the more we have to be
grateful for in our lives.

I'm grateful that she also speaks to
the fact that when we are just
looking at what is wrong--we create
more of what is wrong.

As Meister Eckhart stated "If the only
prayer you ever pray is 'Thank You'
it is enough."

When we are in gratitude we are in a
much higher vibration of
consciousness. Gratitude attracts
greater good to us.

"When you are focusing on your true
identity and the good that is yours
and are giving thanks and praise on a
regular basis, your consciousness will
be one of good, and your light will shine."
Jack Armstrong

Do you keep a Gratitude List?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we are grateful
as we consciously connect with You.
We truly have so much to be grateful
for: Air to breathe; Sun that shines;
Rain that refreshes; Consciousness of
Your Presence. We give gratitude to
you. Amen.

Today I'm speaking at Inner Heart Center.
I would love to see you there.

I'm grateful for you and your faithful
support of these newsletters.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, August 07, 2011

"Evolution of Prayer"

"Prayer for us has become more
silence than speaking. Prayer for
us is no longer about the world. It
is about our relationship with Spirit.
And for us, there is only one
answer to prayer--a consciousness
of the One."
Jim and Nancy Rosemergy

Have you noticed an evolution in
the way that you pray?

I remember when my prayers were
totally about beseeching a God
"out there," and seeking to please
Him so that my prayers would be

Then, I started using affirmations of
Truth statements to affirm the Truth
of who I am, and affirming it to
remind God of exactly what it is
that is already mine as God's child.

(Like God needs a reminder?)

Now, my time of prayer is spent more
in the Silence and realization that the
Spirit of God is in every cell of my
body. There is no separation, I seek
to pray as Spirit knowing there are
truly no "needs" in the Presence of

How is prayer evolving for you?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we go within, conscious
of our connection as You. We feel
Your Presence. We love this time of
spending time listening. We feel Your
Love. We are blessed. We are so
grateful. Amen.

I would love to have you share with me
your journey of prayer.

I'm speaking at Inner Heart Center on
Aug. 14, 10am; 85th Ave/Olive, Peoria
AZ. Speaking about "Celebrate
Uniqueness." I would love to see you.

Grace-filled blessings,