"Magic Encounter"
"We can choose how we will respond
to any types of encounters in our lives.
We can give them power over us and
allow them to control our thoughts and
emotions; or we can look for the magic
and accept the blessings, even though
we might never understand what they
are." -Jack Armstrong
The things that happen in our lives are
just happenings. We are the ones
that put a label on them of good or bad.
A hot fudge sundae goes down so
sweet and smooth, and we think, "oh
so good!", and then we step on the
scale and we think, "not so good."
The ice cream didn't change. The
fudge didn't change. What changed in
the whole process was the way that
we chose to think about it.
What if we choose to change the way
we think about situations, and decide
to see the magic in the encounter?
If we take away our tendency to label
something good or bad and look for the
blessing, look for the magic, then we
won't give the event power over us.
It is up to each one of us today. How
will you choose?
Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we are
grateful for our constant connection
with You. You are the Light on our
path. You show us the path. You
guide us to seeing the magic in our
encounters, and the blessings along
the way. We are grateful Amen.
I'm speaking at Inner Heart Center on
Sunday, Sept. 4th. I would love to see
Wishing you magic on the journey,