
Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Moving Along"

"Abram took his wife Sarai and his
brother's son, Lot, and all the
possessions that they had gathered,
...and they set forth to go to the land
of Caanaan." Genesis 12:5

Abram faithfully followed the leading
of God and left the land he knew to
travel to a land he didn't know.

Oftentimes we may feel like we are
traveling to a land we do not know
as we follow the leading of Spirit.

It seems to me that when I get
comfortable or start making plans
that Spirit within me laughs.

Time for more travel to lands that we
do not know.

Traveling in this time of mystery is
about stretching and growing, and
about releasing attachments.

This has been our recent experience
as we moved from our chosen place of
Prescott to Peoria. We thought we had
arrived in our Promised Land, but, no,
we are relocated in Peoria, AZ (see the
new address at the bottom if you wish to
contact us.

Now we are waiting for further orders. I'm
grateful for my loving husband, and his
willingness to travel to lands we do not

How about you? What new land are you

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
connect with You. We are so grateful for
Your Presence leading, guiding, and
directing every step of the way. Thank
You. Amen.

We love hearing from you. Let us know
how things are.

Rev Sandra Hopper
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

Light, Love, Peace, Joy,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Love is My Decision"

"Love is my decision, it's up to me..."
Daniel Nahmod

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the
events of Sept. 11, 2001.

It is up to us to choose what will be our
focus on this anniversary.

Will we spend the time with our focus
on the pain, continue to look for ways
to pay back what we feel is owed us, and
focus on revenge?

Remember what we focus on will come
back to us. "Thoughts held in mind
will produce after their kind."

I would suggest a better choice is to
send Love out into every part of our

My favorite picture of the earth is the one
from outer space where there are no lines
dileniating one country from another.

I believe the challenges that occur in
our world, and in our daily lives, are
because we see the lines, and we forget
that we are all creations of God.

God as Love is in everyone of us. Love is
every where present.

Together may our choice be, "Love is
my decision, my decision right here
and now," and may we send this Love into
our world.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love and Wisdom, we consciously
connect with You. Love is our decision.
We see Love in every person and in
every situation doing its perfect work in
and through us now. We give thanks.

I'm so grateful for you, and your continued

Love is my decision,

Sunday, September 04, 2011

"Right Now!"

"A whole life time can be wasted in
waiting for that perfect moment, the
perfect day, and the perfect someone.
Your life is right now. Not tomorrow. Not
when you win the lottery or get married
or get divorced. Your life is right now and
each breath brings the opportunity to
make the best day yet"
Rhonda Wright Williams

I love the above quote, because it is
such a great reminder to be living in the
now moment, the present.

How many times do we miss the gifts
that are ours right now as we long for
something in the future?

Right now there is a part of God's creation
in front of us that we will be missing if all
of our thoughts are caught up in wishing
for something that may or may not

What is here right now is where our
happiness lies. Spirit within, as us, is
speaking, and if we are not in the present
moment, we are liable to miss it.

Our best day yet is right here, right now.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within in this now
moment, and consciously connect with
You. We are listening. We are grateful
that You lead, guide, and direct us each
step of the way. Thank You. Amen.

I'm grateful for your love and support, and
I know today is your best day ever on your

Grace-filled blessings,