
Saturday, January 28, 2012

"School of Life"

"There are things that we don't want
to happen but have to accept, things
we don't want to know but have to
learn, and people we can't live without
but have to let go." Author Unknown

My husband's mother used to say,
"Getting old ain't for sissies." And, I
think she said it because as you
continue to live it isn't always easy.

Life is a series of lessons that come
up for us, and we get to choose our
response to them.

A week ago a friend of mine who had
become prayer partners with me
almost two years ago died. This is
something that I didn't want to happen,
but I have to accept.

This is a part of the things we all don't
want to know, but we get to learn
about any way is that people really are
not immortal. You don't get out of here
alive. (You would think a hospice
nurse like me would realize this.)

One of the lessons I'm learning through
having two friends die within four months
of each other is to cherish the friends I
have now. A part of cherishing them is
to let them know it instead of putting it
off for another time.

I encourage you to learn from this
school of life, and cherish your friends or
work on what is yours to do now. Don't
put it off.

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we are grateful
for Presence leading, guiding, and
directing us in this school of life. We are
grateful for Comfort. We are blessed.

Thank you so much for your friendship
and love. I feel so blessed.

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Open and Receptive"

"Openness and receptivity invite the
richness of life and allow you to be
fully present to all of God's blessings."
Chris Michaels

The opposite of being open and
receptive is to be closed and shut

It is the difference between having an
open hand to receive or one that is
closed and unwilling.

Spirit has blessings for each one of
us as we open to that still small
voice within us that desires to lead,
guide, and direct us.

When we are open and receptive it
opens the way for God's blessings
to flow into our lives.

Those blessings often come in ways
that are totally unexpected from what
we may have planned.

If you need to be in control and have
everything planned out in detail, this
will take courage to step out.

What I know is that the Universe is
always for you, never against you,
and always wants to bless you.

I invite you to be willing to be open
and receptive, and to see the blessings
that come your way.

Affirm: I choose to be open and
receptive to all the Good God has
for me now.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Presence, I fully accept, and
I'm open and receptive to all the Good
flowing to me now. I am grateful.

I'm so blessed to have you in my life,
and grateful for your support.

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Sunday, January 08, 2012

"A Beginner"

"...when we are beginners, everything
is fresh and new, each moment an
adventure of discovery, every act
contains a promise of surprise."
Wayne Muller

We can get in such a rut of doing the
same things in the same old ways
that our life becomes dull and boring.

Dull and boring can lead us to feel
like we need a new job, a new house,
or new relationship to brighten things

Just changing our outer circumstances
is not the answer to what is happening.

What we can do is begin again. We
can adjust our view to the beginner's
mind and take another look at our lives.

As our quote states we can make "each
moment an adventure of discovery..."

Are there ways we could be different or
take a different action than we have in
the past?

Life is an adventure, and it is up to us
to look for newness and the "promise of
surprise" that can be ours.

Let Us Pray:
We acknowledge that we are the Presence
of God expressing. There is no separation
and we are grateful for this journey. Amen.

I'm grateful for you, and wishing you the
Highest and Best.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, January 01, 2012

"A New Year"

"In whatever sense this year is a
New Year for you, may the moment
find you eager and unafraid, ready to
take it by the hand with joy and
gratitude." Howard Thurman

We have a baby year before us, and
it is up to us to create what that year
will be like.

No, we don't know exactly what each
circumstance will come our way, but
we can make the decision of how we
will be in those circumstances. We
always have choice.

My decision is to step into this New
Year "eager and unafraid, ready to
take it by the hand with joy and
gratitude." How about you?

Charles and Cora Fillmore wrote in
"Teach Us to Pray," "...words of praise,
gratitude, or thanksgiving expand, set
free, and in every way radiate energy."

The energy of freedom, love, joy, peace,
and prosperity are ours as we speak
praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude.

This is the kind of year I want for each
one of us. Will you join me in holding
this intention?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
consciously connect with You. Our
intention is to express as You: Love,
Joy, Wholeness, Abundance as the
consciousness of our Unity with You.
In gratitude for this knowing. Amen

Day one of our journey together in
2012! What an adventure we are on,
and I'm grateful to have you as my
traveling companion.

Happy New Year,