"Make Me Happy?"
"Let us be grateful to people who
make us happy, they are the
charming gardeners who make our
souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust
Even though I don't think anyone
can "make me happy," other than
myself, I am grateful for those
people in my life that bring hugs,
laughter, and their authentic selves.
They truly help my "soul to bloom."
When we are looking outside of
ourselves for something or someone
to make us happy then it is a sign
that we are not feeling complete.
We feel an emptiness that we want
No special someone, winning the
lottery, or acquiring the perfect home
or car is going to fill the gap. Not even
moving to a new location or the ideal
job will do it.
What it takes is loving the person
inside of our own skin, and accepting
who we are, and who we are not.
Perfection is highly over-rated, and
impossible to achieve.
The best us is unique and lovable, and
we are the only ones that are qualified
to be us.
It doesn't mean we have to be satisfied
with who we are now, and not work on
us. But, loving ourselves is a great
place to begin.
Let Us Pray:
Consciously we connect with the Spirit
of God as us. We are grateful for who
we are. We are grateful for those who
help our souls to bloom. And, so it is,
and, so we let it be. Amen.
Your support means so much to me, and
you help my soul to bloom. I am grateful.
Light and Love,
make us happy, they are the
charming gardeners who make our
souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust
Even though I don't think anyone
can "make me happy," other than
myself, I am grateful for those
people in my life that bring hugs,
laughter, and their authentic selves.
They truly help my "soul to bloom."
When we are looking outside of
ourselves for something or someone
to make us happy then it is a sign
that we are not feeling complete.
We feel an emptiness that we want
No special someone, winning the
lottery, or acquiring the perfect home
or car is going to fill the gap. Not even
moving to a new location or the ideal
job will do it.
What it takes is loving the person
inside of our own skin, and accepting
who we are, and who we are not.
Perfection is highly over-rated, and
impossible to achieve.
The best us is unique and lovable, and
we are the only ones that are qualified
to be us.
It doesn't mean we have to be satisfied
with who we are now, and not work on
us. But, loving ourselves is a great
place to begin.
Let Us Pray:
Consciously we connect with the Spirit
of God as us. We are grateful for who
we are. We are grateful for those who
help our souls to bloom. And, so it is,
and, so we let it be. Amen.
Your support means so much to me, and
you help my soul to bloom. I am grateful.
Light and Love,