
Sunday, May 27, 2012

"My Journey"

"No matter where you are on your
journey, that's exactly where you
need to be. The next road is always
ahead." Oprah Winfrey

If you are like me at all, you may
find yourself resisting what your life
is like right now.

Sometimes, I would like to be doing
other things or going somewhere,
and it just does not seem to be

It can feel discouraging. And, if I
start comparing myself with others,
it only compounds the unrest.

Oprah's words are true, even if we
don't particularly like to think that
where we are on the journey is right
where we need to be.

Comparing ourselves with anyone
else is not fair either.

The only person we can honestly
compare ourselves to is our own
self, and how we were a month, a
year ago, or ten years ago.

Instead of beating ourselves up
for what our life seems to be right
now, perhaps we can take time to
look for the roses among the thorns
and be grateful for where we are now.

Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with Spirit
as us. We are grateful for who we
are now, and for the knowledge that
we are right where we are supposed
to be. Amen.

Together we journey this road until
the next road appears.

Love and Light,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Not My Business"

"What you think of me is none of my
business." Terry Cole-Whittaker

Isn't it interesting that we can get so
hung up on what other people are
thinking about us?

The thing is, it is really egotistical to
think people are thinking about us.
Most of the time they aren't.

"Does It Matter?
"Does it matter, friend, I ask,
what other persons do?
"What they think and what they say
can never injure you.
"Nor their words or deeds unkind
can injure you the least,
"If from unkind thoughts you are free,
from thinking fear have ceased."
-Frank B. Whitney

The only thoughts we have any control
over are our own thoughts.

If we focus on the negative things we
see, then we will find negative things
to think about.

We gather evidence to support our
conclusions, and find even more to think

It is up to us to choose negative or
positive thoughts, and to release what
someone else may or may not be
thinking about us, because it really
isn't any of our business!

Let Us Pray:
We relax and go within. We connect
with the Allness that is us. We release
thoughts that do not serve us. We seek
Love, and we are grateful for the
enlightenment that is ours. Amen.

Thinking of you and wishing for you the
Highest and Best.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Map for Success"

"Real bliss, real abundance, real
happiness, and real health are attained
when we affirm thoughts of success,
visualize a life of prosperity, and live a
life of generosity and gratefulness."
Richard Levy

Each one of us has the map for
success built into us, if we will only
put it to use.

As Richard Levy states in the above
quote there is a formula we can use
to obtain what is important for our

1) Affirm thoughts of success.
2) Visualize a life of prosperity

As we put emotional energy on our
thoughts we begin to visualize what
it is we have been focusing on.

If we put a lot of energy on what is
lacking in our lives, it is hard to
visualize being prosperous and

What works is to affirm that we are
prosperous and whole, and to visualize
what we would like that to look like.

And the third step is action. Just
affirming and visualizing will not bring
prosperity and health.

3) Live a life of generosity and

I've heard people say, "when I win the
lottery or get the money, then I will
tithe, then I will give."

Giving with generosity and gratefulness
is important. You cannot out-give the
Universe. And, the more grateful you
are, the more you will have to be
grateful for.

Let Us Pray:
As we go within and consciously
connect with ALL THAT IS, we are
grateful. We are One. We affirm this.
We see this. And, from this place of
knowing we are grateful and ready to
serve. And, so it is, and, so we let it
be. Amen.

A mother is a person who seeing there
are only four pieces of pie for five people,
promptly announces she never did care
for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan

Happy Mother's Day.


Saturday, May 05, 2012

"Path or Trail?"

“Do not go where the path may lead;
go instead where there is no path and
leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote reminds me of how I feel
when I go hiking with my husband, and
he wants to go off of the path and take
a "short cut."

I admit, I would rather stay on the path
that has already been well worn, rather
than stumble in grass where I can't see
hidden rocks and rough ground.

If we always choose to stay on the path
in our own lives it may feel safer. Safer
because someone else has already
uncovered the obstacles for us, and we
seem to have a clear direction of where
we are headed..

When we look at the stories of the
heroes in the Bible they were risk-takers.
Abraham left the land of his father to go
to a land he didn't know. Moses led the
Israelites out of Egypt for 40 years.
Jesus pointed people to the Christ with
in instead of the angry God they had
always worshiped.

It is up to each one of use to decide if
we choose safety or are we willing to
do things differently and start our own

Let Us Pray:
Spirit within us in every cell of our bodies.
We go forth with courage blazing a new
trail, expressing as You. We are grateful
for Guidance that is ours. Amen.

I'm grateful for you, and wish you blessings
on your journey.

Light, Love, Peace, and Joy,