"Believe in You"
"You need not mold your life after
another. Trust yourself. Believe in
your direct relationship with Life and
You will not be disappointed."
Ernest Holmes
Have you ever thought you would like
to be like someone else or want to
change yourself to be more like
someone else?
We get into trouble when we compare
ourselves with someone else.
There is nothing wrong with admiring
someone else. The problem comes when
we start comparing ourselves to them,
and find our own self lacking.
Each one of us has come into this
world with the tools we need to be us.
We need to believe that we are
fearfully and wonderfully made, and to
trust the Life that flows in every
cell of our beings.
Everyone has gifts and talents that
are unique to them.
It is up to us to look for those gifts
and talents, and to see the best way
for us to put them to use.
The only comparison that is fair, is
when we compare ourselves to where we
were a week, a month, or six months
Trust Life. Trust the process. Trust
There is so much possibility to reach
for and to obtain. Begin now!
Let Us Pray:
Spirit of Oneness, we consciously
connect with You. There is no
separation. You are fully within us.
Guidance and Light are ours as we
trust and believe in possibility. We
are blessed. Amen.
I believe in you. I know you are open
to possibility.
Love and Light,