
Friday, November 30, 2012

"I Am Here"

"God is at home, it's we who have
gone out for a walk."
     Meister Eckhart

During December as preparations are
made for Christmas and New Years,
not everyone is in a joyful spirit.

The holidays can have them wishing
they could just skip the month of

I've been there in the past.

They may feel alone as they witness
the cheerful expectation of others.

Remember, none of us are ever alone.

When we are feeling alone it is
because we are feeling separated
from God.

As Meister Eckhart states, "God is
at home, it's we who have gone out
for a walk."

Taking time to go within and to
consciously connect with Spirit
can help us to feel that Presence
in every cell of our being.

There is no place where God is not.

"Where can I go from your spirit?
Or where can I flee from your
"If I ascend to heaven you are
there; if I make my bed in Sheol,
you are there.
"If I take the wings of the
morning and settle at the farthest
limits of the sea, even there your
hand shall hold me fast."
   Psa. 139: 7-9

Take a breath and remember, "God
is at home." Right where you are
is home.

Let Us Pray:
Going consciously within we feel
the One Presence and Power. We
listen, and hear "I am here." We
are at home. We can feel this
Peace, Love, and Joy emanating
through us. We are grateful. Amen.

I'm grateful for you, and for your
loving support of this ministry.

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Saturday, November 24, 2012

"Open to Receive"

"Spirit withholds nothing from you.
To believe that God refuses the good
you desire is to deny the goodness of
God." Ernest Holmes

Many of us have believed in God as a
person who answers our prayers
according to whether he feels like
it or not, or if we have been good
enough to receive.

As our quote states, when we believe
that God refuses us the good we
desire, then we are denying the
goodness of God.

The image of God answering prayers on
a whim is giving God characteristics
of a less than benevolent father.

God is Principle.  God doesn't change
God's mind or go against the laws of
nature to answer a prayer.

Belief is the way to answered prayer.

"...whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

Our belief in whether we think what
we are praying for is possible will
influence the outcome of our prayer.

Our belief in our worthiness to
receive the answer we want will
push our good from us.

Any beliefs that are not in
alignment with what you are praying
for, will keep your good from you,
not God.

"believe that you have received it"

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within.  We
connect with the One Power, One
Presence in every cell of each one
of us. We claim our good now, and
know that our prayers are already
answered. We are grateful. Amen.

My thoughts and prayers are with
you as I support you in knowing
that your good is right here, right

Grace-filled blessings,

P.S. We're having a great time with
our study group, and knowing it is
all Go-OD!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"You're Off"

"You're off to great places, today is
the day; Your mountain is waiting, so
get on your way!"  Dr. Seuss

Don't you just love the optimism this
quote brings?

Today we are off to great places. We
can choose to believe it, or doubt
that it will be any different than
any other day.

It is up to each one of us to make
the choice.

We each have a mountain waiting, and
there is more than one way to think
about a mountain waiting for us.

The mountain could possibly be an
obstacle or challenge.

Or, as we look at things in a
metaphysical way, we could see the
mountain as our opportunity to view
our lives from a different place-a
higher place.

Maybe it will be a combination of
the two.  An opportunity to look at
a challenge with a new perspective.

You are off to great places, and
your mountain is waiting.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we connect with Spirit.
We are off to great places, and we
do not travel alone. Love is there.
Guidance is there. We are grateful.

Today Wes and I have the first
meeting of our study group, and we
know we are off to great places.
Our desire is to see this part of
our journey from the top of the

We are grateful for your support,
and for who you are being.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Work With Doubt"

"If you are going to doubt, doubt
your limitations." Richard Maraj

As we set out to travel a new path on
our journey, it is not unusual for us
to find doubts starting to plague us.

Old tapes that have been ingrained
about our capability; our age; our
finances; our education suddenly rise
up to let us know we are out of our
comfort zone.

If we focus on these messages, it can
paralyze us and keep us from stepping
out or moving forward.

Instead, as Richard suggests in the
above quote, how about if we have to
doubt, that we doubt our limitations?

We have all of the resources we need
at our command.

Limitations are only an illusion.

When the doubt of finances whispers
in our ear, we can laugh at it, and say,
"there is no limit to our abundance.

Great is that Presence that is within
each one of us, how possibly can any
thing or any one limit us?

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we choose to acknowledge
Spirit in us. We say "no way!" to our
doubts. We open to Guidance and
Instruction. We act on what we have
been told. We move forward to do what
is ours to do. Amen.

Today, Nov. 11th, I am out of the warm
Phoenix area speaking at Unity of

Next Sunday we hold the first meeting
of our Study Group in Goodyear, AZ.
If you are in the area, and
interested in hearing more about it,
we would love to share the information
with you.

Sending you Love and Joy,

Saturday, November 03, 2012

"A Map for the Journey"

“Do not require a description of the
countries towards which you sail.  The
description does not describe them to
you, and tomorrow you arrive there and
know them by inhabiting them.”
  -Frances Larimer Warner

Wouldn't you just like a map that
would let you know exactly what things
are going to be like and how you are
going to get there as you journey on
this adventure called Life?

Some people never set out in the
unknown to where their dreams want to
take them because of not having every
step outlined ahead of time.  It just
feels too risky.

I'm grateful for people who have been
willing "to go where no one else has
gone."  Otherwise we would still be
living in caves scratching ourselves
for entertainment.

I love the scene in the Indiana Jones
movie where there is a huge gap
between Indiana and the next known
step on the trail.

The only thing he could do was to
step out into what seemed to be thin
air, and the way opened up before

Sometimes it feels like that is
exactly what is happening to us as
we dare to go after our dream.

We are required to step out in
faith knowing that Guidance comes
from within us to reveal the path.

If you are feeling scared about the
journey, then you are probably going
in the right direction. 

If not, you can be like Thomas
Edison who stated he had just
learned one more way that didn't work
to make the light bulb.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within and connect
with Guidance. We open ourselves to
Guidance, and we feel at peace as we
surrender to what we hear and feel.
We are blessed. And, so it is, and,
so we let it be.  Amen.

We have found a place to meet for our
study group, and will begin Nov. 18th
studying the book "Excuses Begone!"
by Wayne Dyer. Join us if you can.
Thanks for your prayers.

Sending you lots of Light and Love,