
Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Let Me Hear"

"Their thought was so engrossed with
thinking of their need that they could
not hear 'God tapping at the door'...

"In fact one purpose of prayer is that
of putting the individual in an attitude
of mind whereby he stills his clamoring
thoughts and lets the voice of God be
heard." -Frank B Whitney

You've heard the saying, "You have one
mouth and two ears, so you should
listen more and speak less."

So often our thoughts are filled with
what we want or need, that we don't
stop to listen to what Spirit is attempting
to say to us.

Meditation is all about stopping "the
clamoring thoughts," and taking time to
listen to the still small voice that is
within each one of us. That still small
voice desires to lead us and guide us
on our journey.

Today may we take time to hear.

Let Us Go Within:
I hear with the ears of the Christ
I hear with the ears of the Christ
I hear with the ears of the Christ
I hear as the Christ
I hear as the Christ
I hear as the Christ
I hear as Love
I hear as Love
I hear as Love
Only pure Love dwells here now.
Thank You, God. Amen

We are here to listen and to support
you on your journey.

Light and love,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Eyes to See"

"You shall see greater things then
these..." John 1:50

When we spend time in prayer and
meditation we begin to see things with
new eyes. We begin to see beyond
the appearances.

"We look for light where there seems to
be darkness. We look for answers when
there seem to be only unanswerable
questions. We look for workable and
happy solutions when there may seem to
be only insurmountable difficulties."
Donald Curtis

My husband and I started praying about
moving to Prescott, AZ. We didn't know
how we were going to do it. Some friends
asked us several months after we began
praying about the move if we would house
sit for them for 12 months in Prescott.

Our insurmountable difficulties are melting
away one by one.

Know for yourself that Love melts situations
that seem impossible. What in your life do
you need to see differently and to know the
answers are there?

Let Us Go Within:
Divine Love we go within and connect with
We see with the eyes of the Christ
We see with the eyes of the Christ
We see with the eyes of the Christ.
We see as the Christ
We see as the Christ
We see as the Christ
We see as Love
We see as Love
We see as Love.
Only pure Love dwells here now. Amen.

Together we journey and see what is
before us. Thank you for your love and

Light and love,

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Tune Up"

"In any automobile, we need to adjust
the carburetor, the fuel injection, the
ignition, or something else from time to
time in order to get full performance. So
you and I need to readjust the way we
think and feel in order to get full
performance in life." -Donald Curtis

Do things not seem to be going the way
you want them to? Do people seem to
be getting on your nerves? Do you feel
discouraged, and like you aren't making
any progress toward your goals?

Perhaps it is time for a tune up. As
Donald Curtis states in the above quote,
"we need to readjust the way we think in
order to get full performance in life."

Begin by becoming aware of what your
thoughts are. Then, decide to be willing
to see the Truth about your thoughts.

Know from the deepest part of you that
there is no one or no thing that is against

Deny that these thoughts have any power
over you. Affirm that there is "Only One
Power and One Presence at work in your
life, God the Good Omnipotence."

Be willing to forgive yourself and others.

Let Us Go Within and quietly affirm:
I think with the mind of the Christ,
I think with the mind of the Christ,
I think with the mind of the Christ.
I think as the Christ,
I think as the Christ,
I think as the Christ.
I think as Love,
I think as Love,
I think as Love.
Only pure Love Dwells here now.
Thank You, God. Amen.

We are grateful to be here to support
you on your journey.

Light and love,

Sunday, August 08, 2010

"God is Love"

"Jehovah's lovingkindnesses...are new
every morning." Lamentations 3:22,23

Did you grow up with a vision of God as

Most of us grew up being told that God is
an angry judge always looking over our
shoulder examining our actions, and
keeping a log of mostly our misdeeds.

I personally had a list of things I thought I
had to do every day, even though I also
thought I was living in freedom because of
Jesus dying for my sins. I thought that if
I didn't pray, read my Bible, and refrain
from swearing, dancing, and smoking that
whatever went wrong was my fault.

There was a lot wrong with my thoughts.

My concept of God has changed
immensely. I believe that the God who
created all of us is Love. As the above
verse states "God's lovingkindenesses...
are new every morning."

No matter what is going on in our lives,
the Truth is Love is always present, and
Divine Love is always doing its perfect
work in and through each one of us now.

There are a lot more verses in the Bible
that talk about God's love. My choice is
to think and meditate on God as love.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we choose to know You as
Love, and that Love is mightily at work
in and through each one of us. We are
so grateful. Thank You. Amen.

Thank you for your love and support. We
are grateful for you.


Sunday, August 01, 2010

"Let's Dance"

I dance in the sacred circle of Divine Love,
and I am irresistible to my highest good.

This week I have been using the above
affirmation that I modified from one of
Catherine Ponder's.

The vision of dancing seemed much more
joyous to me then just walking.

My desire is to bring joy as I am affirming
what I want in my life. I see myself
dancing at a new place of service where I
am able to use my gifts and talents to
bless others.

I have done my part by submitting the
application, and now I am dancing with
Spirit in joy knowing that my right and
perfect place of work is coming to me

Wes and I will be moving at the end of
September or the first of October, and
we are already in joy as we see things
coming together.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are so grateful
for the joy that springs forth from
within us as we trust our journey to
You. There is no reason for worry.
You are with us every step of the way.
You are our partner in this wonderful
dance of life. Thank You. Amen.

I invite you to affirm joy for your next
steps on the journey. Let us know how
we can support you.

Light and love,