
Sunday, February 27, 2011


"I am aligned with my Source in all of my
thoughts, and with God, all things are
possible." Wayne Dyer

I've found myself in some "stinking
thinking," as we used to say in the 12
step groups I was involved with earlier in
my life. I realized it, and knew that it
was not where I wanted to continue.

Thoughts that are aligned with our
Source are of love, kindness, peace, joy,
gentleness, and gratitude.

So, when thoughts of fear, anger, hatred,
lack are present, we know they are not
aligned with God.

My intention is to come from Love, and to
be in alignment with my Source.

As we become aware of what our thoughts
are, we can make different choices.

What is your intention? What thoughts
have you been choosing?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. You are our Source,
and we choose to align our thoughts with
You. We choose Love. We know You
can do all things, and we are grateful that
it is so. Amen.

You are powerful and courageous, and I'm
grateful to have your company on this


Saturday, February 19, 2011


"From his fullness, we have all received
grace upon grace." John 1:16

How grateful I am for the grace of God that
is always present with me. I don't have to
ask for it, grace is always here.

About a month ago I came home from going
to be with the family of a hospice patient
that had died. I had been up since 4:00AM,
and it was now close to 6:30AM. I was
thinking about a meeting I needed to be at
in an hour and a half.

I parked my car, and got out. I went into the
house, and when I came back out almost an
hour later, my car was missing. It had rolled
down the hill, hit a small embankment on our
neighbor's yard and turned over.

The grace of God intervened in this incident:
Not one person was hurt; no property (other
than my car) was injured.

It could have been so much worse, and we are
so grateful that it wasn't.

Grace continued to work as I received a much
larger check from the insurance company than
I could have imagined for a car that was 16
years old and had 252,000 miles on her.

What a blessing it was to be able to share the
abundance with the church we support, and
then to buy a car last week end that is even
more than I visualized (2007, Nissan Altima
that has only 36,000 miles on her, and was
obviously lovingly cared for while she was in
the care of someone else.

I named the car: "Grace", because she truly is
continued evidence to me of the grace of God
truly at work in me.

Tell me how you are seeing the Grace of God
in your life.

Let Us Pray:
We go within, Sweet Spirit, and we connect
with You. We are grateful to know You are
always at work within us, and we see the
evidence of Your grace. Thank You, God.

Thank you for your love and support. You are
the best.

Love and light,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Our Garden"

"Unless the gardener pulls the weeds they
will continue to grow, and unless the
gardener cultivates the flowers they will not
bloom." Gary Zukav

What are we wanting to grow in our gardens
of life? Weeds or flowers?

Weeds are the thoughts of fear, judgment,
resentment, lack, anger, hatred...

Flowers are the thoughts of love, kindness,
joy, gentleness, compassion...

We have to work with awareness in our
gardens so that we cultivate what we want
in our garden.

Fertilizer is our focus. If we are focusing
on what is wrong with people or things in
our world, we are going to grow more weeds.
If we focus on seeing the Christ in others,
and sending love out into our world, we are
going to be harvesting a beautiful garden of

In Unity we say, "Thoughts held in mind
produce after their kind." Flowers or
weeds? Our choice.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and connect
with You. Our desire is to grow our gardens
consciously with flowers, and to watch them
bloom with Love. We are so blessed, and
we are grateful. Thank You, God. Amen.

Blessing you with fragrant gardens of
flowering beauty.


Monday, February 07, 2011

"The Christ in Me"

"...and it is no longer I who live, but it is
Christ who lives in me." Galatians 2:20

The above verse speaks to me about the
realization of how much my life has changed
since I came to know that the Christ lives in

My former belief system said that in order for
the Christ to be in me, I had to ask Jesus into
my heart. Now I know that I never had to ask,
the Christ has always been in me. The Christ
is in everyone.

Jesus fully manifested the Christ in his life.
That is why he is called our "Way Shower."
Jesus' mission was to point out that each one of
us has the Christ in us.

Spending time in prayer and meditation helps
us to know the Christ of our being in a more
intimate way. We can not be separated from
the Christ.

As we communicate with the Christ within, we
change. Things that were once so important
fade away. We begin to see things in a
different way. We see the Christ in people
around us. We know the Universe as a loving and
friendly place.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within. We connect
with You, the Christ of our very being. We feel
Your Presence. We are never alone. You are
always there to lead, guide, and direct us. We
are so grateful. Amen.

I behold the Christ in you.
