
Sunday, May 29, 2011


We can deny our doubts and turn our
attention on our faith. Let’s practice
starving our fears and feeding our faith.
We will go forth in the direction of our
dreams. -Mary Manin Morrissey

Often when I'm reciting the Lord's Prayer
I want to say, "forgive us our doubts"
instead of "debts."

Doubts are debts to the Universe
because doubts keep us from being all
that we can be.

We can change the consciousness of
the planet, if we will release the doubts
that keep us chained to the way we
have always done things.

Doubts keep us safe, and that makes
our ego feel really comfortable.

With our thoughts we are helping to
create the consciousness of the planet.

Faith, on the other hand, frees us to
expand and to step out in courage.

There is a story in the Bible about the
man who eventually had his name
changed from Abram to Abraham. A
name change signifies a change in

Abram was willing to follow the leading
of God to leave his homeland and to
go to a land where he had never been

Abraham is known as the Father of

Today we can choose doubt or faith.
How about if we feed our faith, and
starve our fears?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we consciously
connect with You. Our desire is to
follow You, and to release any doubts
that keep us from stepping out in
faith. Thank You for Your guidance,
and that You are with us every step of
the way. Amen.

I am grateful for you. I am here to listen
and to pray with you.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, May 22, 2011


"Expectations are like icebergs. Whether
it's the actions we expect co workers to
take, the recognition we think we
deserve, or the careers we want our
children to choose, we rarely see the
depth of possibilities that exist just
beneath the surface. When we attach
ourselves to one outcome, we can't see
all that might eventually emerge if we just
let it go." –Kim Allen

Expectations can rob us of the joy of
seeing the people around us clearly. If
we have some expectation of how they
"should" act or be then we are not
accepting them for who they truly are.

If we drop the expectation, we can
begin to appreciate the person and
who they are and what they bring to
our lives.

When we come with expectations to
any relationship, we are not bringing
Love. Love accepts what is.

Saying that, as a point of clarification,
it doesn't mean you have to stay in a
relationship where there is not mutual
Love and acceptance. You can use
your power of discernment and make
the choice to not be in relationship, as

Recently I spent some time with a
good friend. Neither of us have a list
of how the other one needs to show
up in our friendship. We celebrate
that it has been that way since the
time we met many years ago.

Do you have expectations, and are
you willing to release them so you
might gain a different perspective?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go
within and connect with You. Our
desire is to express Love and
acceptance in our relationships. We
are grateful for Your guidance and
Your Presence. Thank You. Amen

Together we continue to journey and
support one another, and I'm grateful
for you.

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Friday, May 13, 2011

"How May I Serve?"

"...Here I Am, Lord, send me"
Isaiah 6:8

This has been one of my favorite
Bible verses for a long time. It is a
verse that tells of our willingness to
serve...our willingness to be

Recently this had become a prayer
for me, "How may I serve?"

A friend of mine called and asked
me to come and co-minister with her
in a church she had founded over a
year ago. She asked me to come
and be their Pastoral Care Minister.

My heart started to sing, because I
knew as I prayed about this, and
asked more questions, that this is
truly my answer to, "How may I

Sunday, May 15th, they will be
introducing me to their Spiritual
Family, and I'm so excited about this
opportunity to serve.

At times I have been discouraged,
not knowing what was mine to do.
I knew that all I could do was trust
Spirit had the right and perfect
place for me to serve.

If you are in that questioning place,
I encourage you to continue to pray,
meditate, and ask, "How may I

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we consciously
connect with You. We continue
to ask, "How may I serve?" We
are grateful for Your guidance.
Thank You. Amen.

Sending you joy on your journey.
I'm here to support you.

Peace, love, and joy,

Friday, May 06, 2011

"Praise and Blessing"

"We know that we will not always be
happy, but by praising and blessing
life as it appears, we have access to
the deep, fundamental joy and
creativity that is the essence of Spirit."
-Linda McNamar

One of the ways that blocks our good
from coming to us is resistance. We
don't want change or we want what
we are experiencing to be different.

Fighting change or what is going on
in our lives only brings suffering.
This suffering is needless, and in
the long run, only causes our
unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

A better way is to find something to
praise and bless in our
circumstances as they appear.

This may bring a new perspective,
and it will bring peace and joy,
because, as our quote states, we
then have access to the essence
of Spirit.

Scripture states, "give thanks 'in'
all things", not necessarily 'for' all

Perhaps there is something going
on in your life that you need a new
perspective on. Praise and bless
it, and see if this doesn't end up
changing things for you.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within
and connect with You. We give
thanks for You opening our eyes
to see as we give praise and
blessing to our experiences of
life. Thank You. Amen.

We give praise and blessing to
our birth mothers and to all of
those people who have nurtured
us on our journey.

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Sunday, May 01, 2011

"This Moment"

"Recognize that in each moment you
have eternity and the gifts of God
seeking to make themselves known.
-Diadra Price

We often speak about the now, and
being in the present, but it is a
challenge. Our minds stay in the now
for a few minutes, and then want to
take us to the past or the future.

What if we were to truly realize, as in
the above quote, that "in each moment
we have eternity and the gifts of God
seeking to make themselves known."

"In each moment," not just when we
are in prayer and meditation, but "in
each moment."

It causes me to pause and wonder
how many gifts I have missed of the
Presence because of my mind being
caught in the past or focused toward
the future.

What gifts of God are seeking to make
themselves known to us in this now

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within
and connect with You. In this now
moment we seek You, and we seek
Your gifts. We are open to You, and
desire to know Your Presence in
every moment. Thank You. Amen.

I am grateful for you. Thank you for
your faithful support.

Love, Peace, and Joy,