
Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Sending Thoughts"

"There's always, and only, one sure way to
bridge the gap, heal the wound, mend the fence,
and otherwise reach those who seem
unreachable. Thought. Send them your finest."
-Mike Dooley

This month I have written a lot about thinking.
Most of it has been about how our thoughts
affect us, and thoughts do. But, they also
affect our relationship with other people and
our world around us.

When I received this quote from Mike Dooley,
I knew that I wanted to come full circle, and
speak to how to "reach those who seem

What I do know is that sending thoughts of
judgment, resentment, anger, or hatred only
add to the problem.

We know that one of the laws of the universe
is that what we send out comes back to us.
If we are sending out judgment, resentment,
anger, or hatred we are going to receive the

Part of our transformation is to see others as
we know they can be, and send them love.
We realize that they are the Christ, and truly
there is no "other," anyway. We are all one.

As we send love we make a difference.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we are grateful for Your Presence
as Love in us and in everyone. We send
thoughts of love to everyone we know, and
even to those we don't know. Thank You for
the healing and peace that occurs in us as
we share the Love. Amen.

Sending you thoughts of love, and grateful
for who you are being.


Sunday, January 23, 2011


"Birds make great sky circles of their freedom.
How do they do it? They fall; and falling, they
are given wings." -Rumi

"This statement by Rumi is true of us. People
soar when they are still and they let themselves
be transformed by prayer and meditation, but
we are also transformed by life.

"We fall, struggle to fly, and over the course of
time we find that we are given wings."
-Jim Rosemergy

The last couple of Sundays I have been sharing
about thoughts, and how they can shape our
lives. Sometimes in positive ways, and some
in ways that we think of as less than positive.

In the above quote Jim Rosemergy reminds us
that we can be transformed as we spend time
in prayer and meditation. This is an important
part of our spiritual lives.

And, we are also transformed as we live our
lives. I believe that transformation occurs as
we become more aware of our thoughts and
how we are reacting to life, and begin to
release the struggle. Then we can soar!

Just like Clarence, in "It's a Wonderful Life,"
we receive our wings.

Jim Rosemergy goes on to say, "How about
you? Do you have your wings yet? Are you
free? Are you falling? God won't catch you,
but Spirit will grant you wings."

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and connect
with You. We feel Your Presence guiding
and directing us. As we act on Your guidance
and release our thoughts, we are set free.
You grant us our wings. We are grateful.
Thank You. Amen.

Together we soar.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

"More Than We Think"

"As long as we continue to think of ourselves
as average or limited, we will continue to
condition the God-power that dwells in us.

"When we get our minds off the problems and
obstacles, and focused on God, the
unconditioned power that dwells in us, nothing
will be impossible to us." Eric Butterworth

What are the thoughts that are limiting you?
"I'm too old." "I'm too young." "I don't have
enough money." "I don't have the right
education." "Who am I to think I can do that?"

I remember when I felt the call to go to
ministerial school. I know the above questions
well, because, except the "too young" one,
these were my questions.

In fact, after I had been invited to school, and
was in my first term of classes I was still
asking them, and did ask one of my teachers,
"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake when
you invited me here?" He just laughed.

What I had to do was remove my focus from
the obstacles, and put my thoughts on the
indwelling God that is within me, and within
each of us. That still, small voice had
brought me this far, and wasn't ever going to
abandon me.

Where is your focus?

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. We know You are
always Present with us as Love. You lead, guide,
and direct us every step of the way as we keep
our focus on You. Thank You. Amen.

What a journey we are on, and I'm grateful
to have you supporting me. I'm grateful to
be able to support you by listening and

Light and love,

Sunday, January 09, 2011


"Are you willing to recognize that thoughts are
simply thoughts, beautiful and horrible in their
scope and power, yet inadequate in their
description of who you are?

"When you are free of the bondage of
believing that thoughts are reality, you are
free to enter into the direct experience of who
you are." Gangaji

When I read the above quote, it began a
time of contemplation about how much
my thoughts, and my wondering about the
thoughts other people might be thinking,
have influenced the decisions I have made.

It is very freeing to become aware of
thoughts, to recognize them for their
impermanence, and to let them go.

My thoughts can overwhelm me and keep
me up at night. And, sometimes worrying
about what someone else might be
thinking has made me feel anxious.

The truth is: Most of the time they aren't
thinking about me at all, and what they
are thinking isn't any of my business

When we can let go of the thoughts, it
truly allows us freedom and the ability to
make clear choices.

So, what do you think?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
connect with You. We are grateful for
the ability to think, and we are grateful
for the ability to make choices about
the thoughts that we think. We truly
are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thank You. Amen.

I'm grateful for you, and your choice to
receive and read this message. You
are a blessing to me.

Light and love,

Sunday, January 02, 2011

"Something Sacred"

"There is something sacred here." Susan Kay Wyatt

In the quiet of my car last night as I was driving
from one patient's home to another, I was
thinking about how often I compartmentalize
things in my life. What I realized is that
everything is sacred and every moment is sacred.

We have been given the power of choice. We
can choose to see things as good/bad; black/
white; inferior/superior; rich/poor, or we can
choose to see everything as sacred.

Everyone and everything around us have been
created out of Universal Mind.

There is no evil. There are only people who are
not aware of the Divinity within them who are
acting out in ways that do not serve their highest
good or that of anyone else.

As we begin this baby year of 2011, my intention
is to see people, and what is going on in my
world as sacred. My desire is to see the Christ
at work.

May this new year be one of setting intentions
for what we want to see and be, and then to do
what is ours to do.

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with you. We open ourselves to You
that we may be fully aware of Your Presence
in ourselves and in our world. We are open to
do what is ours to do. Amen.

I behold the Christ in you. You are sacred.
